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Simulate multivariate GWAS data


  G = 0,
  est_s = FALSE,
  R_obs = NULL,
  R_E = NULL,
  R_LD = NULL,
  af = NULL,
  snp_effect_function = "normal",
  snp_info = NULL,
  sporadic_pleiotropy = TRUE,
  pi_exact = FALSE,
  h2_exact = FALSE



GWAS sample size. N can be a scalar, vector, or matrix. If N is a scalar, all GWAS have the same sample size and there is no overlap between studies. If N is a vector, each element of N specifies the sample size of the corresponding GWAS and there is no overlap between studies. If N is a matrix, N_ii specifies the sample size of study i and N_ij specifies the number of samples present in both study i and study j. The elements of N must be positive but non-integer values will not generate an error.


Number of variants to simulate


A scalar or vector giving the heritability of each trait.


A scalar or vector giving the expected proportion of direct effect SNPs for each trait.


Matrix of direct effects. Rows correspond to the 'from' trait and columns correspond to the 'to' trait, so G[1,2] is the direct effect of trait 1 on trait 2. G should have 0 on the diagonal.


If TRUE, return estimates of se(`beta_hat`). If FALSE, the exact standard error of `beta_hat` is returned. Defaults to FALSE.


Total observational correlation between traits. R_obs won't impact summary statistics unless there is sample overlap. See Details for default behavior.


Total correlation of the environmental components only. R_E and R_obs are alternative methods of specifying trait correlation. Use only one of these two options. R_E may be phased out in the future.


Optional list of LD blocks. R_LD should have class list. Each element of R_LD can be either a) a matrix, b) a sparse matrix (class dsCMatrix) or c) an eigen decomposition (class eigen). All elements should be correlation matrices, meaning that they have 1 on the diagonal and are positive definite. See Details and vignettes.


Optional vector of allele frequencies. If R_LD is not supplied, af can be a scalar, vector or function. If af is a function it should take a single argument (n) and return a vector of n allele frequencies (See Examples). If R_LD is supplied, af must be a vector with length equal to the size of the supplied LD pattern (See Examples).


Optional function to generate variant effects. snp_effect_function can be a single function or list of functions of length equal to the number of traits (see Details).


Optional data.frame of variant information to be passed to variant effect functions. If R_LD is specified, snp_info should have number of rows equal to the size of the supplied LD pattern. Otherwise snp_info should have J rows.


Allow sporadic pleiotropy between traits. Defaults to TRUE.


If TRUE, the number of direct effect SNPs for each trait will be exactly equal to round(pi*J).


If TRUE, the heritability of each trait will be exactly `h2`.


Useful development option, not recommend for general users.


A list with the following elements:

Simulated effect estimates and standard errors are contained in matrices

+ beta_hat: Effect estimates for each trait

+ se_beta_hat Standard error of effect estimates, equal to sqrt(1/N_m *Var(G_j)).

+ s_estimate Estimate of se_beta_hat. Present only if est_s = TRUE.

Four matrices contain direct and total marginal and joint SNP-trait associations: + direct_SNP_effects_marg and direct_SNP_effects_joint give direct effects of SNPs on traits. These are the same if there is no LD. If there is LD, direct_SNP_effects_marg is the direct component of the expected marginal association.

+ beta_marg and beta_joint give the total SNP effects (direct and indirect). These are the same if there is no LD. If there is LD, beta_marg is the total expected marginal association. i.e. beta_marg is the expected value of beta_hat.

Four matrices describe the covariance of traits and the row correlation of effect estimates

+ Sigma_G Genetic variance-covariance matrix. Diagonal elements are equal to heritability.

+ Sigma_E Environmental variance-covariance matrix.

+ trait_corr Population correlation of traits. trait_corr = Sigma_G + Sigma_E.

+ R Row correlation of beta_hat - beta_marg, equal to trait_corr scaled by the overlap proportion matrix.


+ snp_info Is a data frame with variant information. If R_LD was omitted, snp_info contains only the allele frequency of each variant. If R_LD was included, snp_info also contains block and replicate information as well as any information supplied to the snp_info input parameter.


This function generates GWAS summary statistics from a linear SEM specified by the matrix G. The previous "xyz" mode is now deprecated. If you are used to using this function in xyz mode, you can generate the corresponding G using the xyz_to_G function (see examples).

G should be square (#traits by #traits) matrix with 0s on the diagonal. All traits have variance 1, so G[i,j]^2 is the proportion of variance of trait j explained by the direct effect of trait i. You will get an error if you specify a cyclic DAG. There are also some combinations of DAG and heritability that are impossible and will give an error. For example in a two trait DAG where trait 1 has an effect of \(x\) on trait 2, and trait 1 has a heritability of \(h^2_1\), trait 2 must have a heritability of at least \((x^2)*(h^2_1)\).

To generate data with LD, supply R_LD which can be a list of matrices, sparse matrices, or eigen-decompositions. These matrices are interpreted as blocks in a block-diagonal LD matrix. The af argument must be provided and should be a vector with length equal to the total size of the LD pattern (the sum of the sizes of each block). R_LD does not need to have the same size as J. The LD pattern will be repeated or subset as necessary to generate the desired number of variants.

If R_obs is NULL (default value), we assume that direct environmental effects on each trait are independent and all environmental correlation results from the relationships specified in G. Alternatively R_obs can be any positive definite correlation matrix.

The snp_effect_function argument supplies a custom function to generate standardized direct variant effects. By default, standardized direct effects are generated from a normal distribution. This means that in the default mode, all variants have equal expected heritability explained regardless of allele frequency or other features. The function(s) passed to snp_effect_function will override this default. This function should take three arguments, n, sd, and snp_info. The output should be a vector of length n with expected total sum of squares equal to sd^2. Note: Even though the final effects returned will usually be on the per-allele scale, snp_effect_function should return standardized (per-sd) effect sizes.


# Two traits with no causal relationship and some environmental correlation
# specify completely overlapping GWAS
N <- matrix(1000, nrow = 2, ncol =2)
R_obs <- matrix(c(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
dat <- sim_mv(G = 2, N = N, J = 20000, h2 = c(0.4, 0.3), pi = 1000/20000,
               R_obs = R_obs)
#> SNP effects provided for 20000 SNPs and 2 traits.
dat$R # This is the true correlation of the estimation error of beta_hat
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]  1.0  0.3
#> [2,]  0.3  1.0
cor(dat$beta_hat - dat$beta_marg) # Should be similar to dat$R
#>           [,1]      [,2]
#> [1,] 1.0000000 0.2935818
#> [2,] 0.2935818 1.0000000

# The af argument can be a scalar, vector, or function.
dat <- sim_mv(N = N, J = 20000, h2 = c(0.4, 0.3), pi = 1000/20000,
               G = 2, R_obs = R_obs, af = function(n){rbeta(n = n, 1, 5)})
#> SNP effects provided for 20000 SNPs and 2 traits.

# A very simple example with LD
# Use a pattern of two small blocks of LD
A1 <- matrix(0.7, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
diag(A1) <- 1
A2 <- matrix(0.1, nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
diag(A2) <- 1
# If using LD, af should have the same size as the LD pattern
af <- runif(n = 16)
dat <- sim_mv(N = N, J = 20000, h2 = c(0.4, 0.3), pi = 1000/20000,
               G = 2, R_obs = R_obs, R_LD = list(A1, A2), af = af)
#> SNP effects provided for 20000 SNPs and 2 traits.

# Use xyz_to_G to generate G from xyz specification
myG <- xyz_to_G(tau_xz = c(0.2, -0.3), tau_yz = c(0.1, 0.25),
        dir_xz = c(1, -1), dir_yz = c(1,1), gamma = 0)
# If N is a scalar or a vector, there is no sample overlap
dat <- sim_mv(N = 10000, J = 20000, h2 = rep(0.4, 4),
              pi = c(500, 500, 1000, 1000)/20000,
              G = myG)
#> SNP effects provided for 20000 SNPs and 4 traits.
plot(dat$beta_marg[,3], dat$beta_marg[,1])
abline(0, dat$total_trait_effects[3,1])