class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # L3: Selection Bias ] .author[ ### Jean Morrison ] .institute[ ### University of Michigan ] .date[ ### 2025-01-27 (updated: 2025-01-29) ] --- `\(\newcommand{\ci}{\perp\!\!\!\perp}\)` `\(\newcommand{\nci}{\not\!\perp\!\!\!\perp}\)` ## Lecture Outline 1. Selection Bias and Censoring 1. Non-Compliance 1. Measurement Error --- # 1. Selection Bias and Censoring --- ## Example - Drug `\(A\)`, is an HIV treatment. We are interested in measuring its effect on disease progression. - We assess disease progression using CD4 count. The outcome, `\(Y\)`, is binary and is 1 if CD4 count falls below a threshold within one year of starting treatment (bad) or is 0 if CD4 count stays above the threshold. - Some patients drop out of the study before the one year mark and we cannot observe their outcome. - Patients may drop out if they are in poor health due to disease progression. - They also might drop out if they are in poor health due to side effects of treatment, `\(L\)`. - Use a variable `\(C\)` (for censoring) to represent whether a patient drops out of the study before one year ( `\(C = 1\)` ) or stays in the study ( `\(C = 0\)`). - With a partner, draw a DAG representing this scenario. --- ## HIV Treatment Example <center>
</center> --- ## HIV Treatment Example - If there had been no censoring, could we identify `\(E[Y(a)]\)`? i.e. is there a set of variables `\(H\)` such that `\(Y(a) \ci A \mid H\)`? <center>
</center> -- - In this graph, `\(Y(a) \ci A\)` so we can identify `\(E[Y(a)]\)` as `\(E[Y \vert A = a]\)` (assuming SUTVA and consistency hold). --- ## HIV Treatment Example <center>
</center> - Once we condition on the collider, `\(C\)`, we open the path `\(A \to L \to C \leftarrow Y\)`, inducing non-causal association between `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`. - This means that `\(E[Y(a)] \neq E[Y \vert A = a, C = 0]\)`. - This is one type of **selection bias**. --- ## HIV Treatment Example - Suppose that treatment has no side effects. - Treatment can only influence selection *through* its effect on `\(Y\)`. <center>
</center> - Do we still have selection bias if only the outcome affects censoring? --- ## Example Continued - Suppose that `\(A\)` is effective: `$$E[Y(1)] = E[Y \vert A = 1] = 0.1 \qquad E[Y(0)] = E[Y \vert A = 0] = 0.8$$` - And patients with `\(Y = 0\)` are more likely to remain in the study than patients with `\(Y = 1\)`. `$$P[C = 0 \vert Y = 0] = 1 \qquad P[C = 0 \vert Y = 1] = 0.5$$` - With your partner, compute the average causal effect of `\(A\)` on `\(Y\)` and compute the associational effect in the sub-population with `\(C = 0\)`, `\(E[Y \vert A = 1, C = 0] - E[Y \vert A = 0, C = 0]\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Example Continued Use Bayes' Theorem: $$ `\begin{split} P( Y = 1 \vert A = 1, C = 0) = & \frac{P(C = 0 \vert Y = 1, A = 1)P(Y = 1 \vert A = 1)}{P(C = 0 \vert A = 1)}\\ P( Y = 1 \vert A = 0, C = 0) = & \frac{P(C = 0 \vert Y = 1, A = 0)P(Y = 1 \vert A = 0)}{P(C = 0 \vert A = 0)} \end{split}` $$ $$ `\begin{split} P(C = 0 \vert A = 1) = & P(C = 0 \vert A = 1, Y = 0) P(Y = 0 \vert A = 1) + \\ & P(C = 0 \vert A = 1, Y = 1) P(Y = 1 \vert A = 1)\\ = & 1 \cdot 0.9 + 0.5 \cdot 0.1 = 0.95\\ P(C = 0 \vert A = 0) = & P(C = 0 \vert A = 0, Y = 0) P(Y = 0 \vert A = 0) + \\ & P(C = 0 \vert A = 0, Y = 1) P(Y = 1 \vert A = 0)\\ = & 1 \cdot 0.2 + 0.5 \cdot 0.8 = 0.6 \end{split}` $$ --- ## Example Continued $$ `\begin{split} P( Y = 1 \vert A = 1, C = 0) = & \frac{0.5 \cdot 0.1 }{0.95} \approx 0.053 \\ P( Y = 1 \vert A = 0, C = 0) = & \frac{0.5 \cdot 0.8 }{0.6} \approx 0.67 \end{split}` $$ `$$E[Y \vert A = 1, C =0] - E[Y \vert A = 0, C = 0] \approx -0.61$$` `$$E[Y(1)] - E[Y(0)] = E[Y \vert A = 1] - E[Y \vert A = 0] = -0.7$$` - The identification formula that works when there is no selection doesn't work once we condition on `\(C = 0\)`, so we have selection bias. --- ## Example Continued - Now assume there is no effect of `\(A\)` on `\(Y\)`: `$$E[Y(1)] = E[Y \vert A = 1] = p \qquad E[Y(0)] = E[Y \vert A = 0] = p$$` - And patients with `\(Y = 0\)` are more likely to remain in the study than patients with `\(Y = 1\)`. `$$P[C = 0 \vert Y = 0] = 1 \qquad P[C = 0 \vert Y = 1] = 0.5$$` - Repeat your calculation of `\(E[Y \vert A = 1, C = 0] - E[Y \vert A = 0, C = 0]\)`. --- ## Example Continued $$ `\begin{split} P(C = 0 \vert A = 1) = P(C = 0 \vert A = 0) = (1-p) + 0.5 p = \frac{2-p}{2}\\ \end{split}` $$ $$ `\begin{split} P( Y = 1 \vert A = 1, C = 0) = & \frac{0.5 p}{\frac{2-p}{2}} = \frac{p}{2-p}\\ P( Y = 1 \vert A = 0, C = 0) = & \frac{0.5 p}{\frac{2-p}{2}} = \frac{p}{2-p} \end{split}` $$ - `\(E[Y \vert A =a, C = 0] \neq E[Y(a)]\)`, however, there is no bias in the estimate of the ATE. --- ## Selection Bias Under the Null - In both examples selection bias occurs because `\(C\)` is a common effect of both `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`. - In the first case, there is selection bias whether or not `\(A\)` has an effect on `\(Y\)` (*selection bias under the null*). <center>
</center> - In the second case, there is selection bias *only* if there is a non-zero causal effect of `\(A\)` on `\(Y\)`. <center>
</center> - Selection bias under the null always implies selection bias in non-null settings. - The reverse is not true. --- ## Colliding Creates Selection Bias - Conditioning on a variable that is a child of both the outcome and the exposure creates selection bias. <center>
</center> --- ## Children of Colliders are Colliders - Conditioning on a child of a confounder opens the path the confounder is on. - In the graph below, conditioning on `\(C\)` opens the `\(A \to L \to U \leftarrow Y\)` path. - Conditioning on `\(C\)` is the same as conditioning on a noisy measurement of `\(U\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Selection Bias without Colliding - In our previous HIV treatment example, suppose that low CD4 count does not directly cause censoring. - Instead there is a variable `\(U\)` representing health which is a common cause of both `\(Y\)` and `\(S\)`. - We still have selection bias in this case, but `\(C\)` is not a descendant of `\(Y\)` and is not a collider. <center>
</center> --- ## Selection Bias Definition - **Selection bias** is bias that occurs due the presence of selection. - An estimator that would be unbiased if all data were observed is biased due to conditioning on `\(C = 0\)`. - Selection bias occurs when we condition on a variable, `\(C\)`, which is a common effect of two variables, `\(X_1\)` and `\(X_2\)` and - `\(X_1\)` is either the treatment or *associated* with the treatment. - `\(X_2\)` is either the exposure or *associated* with the exposure. - Equivalently, conditioning on `\(C\)` leads to selection bias **unless** `\(Y \ci C \mid A\)` (i.e. `\(Y\)` is `\(d\)`-separated from `\(C\)` by `\(A\)`). --- ## Selection Could Happen Before the Outcome <center>
</center> --- ## Selection Could Happen Before the Exposure <center>
</center> --- ## Adjusting for Selection - In some cases we can recover from selection bias. - This will generally require information about the distribution of some variables without selection. --- ## Example - In the graph below, if there were no censoring (no conditioning on `\(C\)`), `\(Y(a) \ci A\)` (unconditionally), so `\(E[Y(a)] = E[Y \vert A = a]\)`. - Conditioning on `\(C\)` opens the path `\(A \to C \gets L \to Y\)`, so conditioning on `\(C\)` will change the association between `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`. - This means that `\(E[Y(a)] \neq E[Y \vert A = a, C = 0]\)` - SWIGs and the backdoor condition can't help us because we have conditioned on something downstream of `\(A\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Example - Looking again the graph with no censoring, we can see that that `\(Y(a) \ci A \mid L\)`. - This means that `\(E[Y(a) \vert L = l] = E[ Y \vert L = l, A = a]\)`. - And using the standardization formula from L1, `$$E[ Y(a) ] = \sum_l E[Y(a) \vert L = l] P[L = l]$$`. <center>
</center> --- ## Example - From the causal markov property, `\(Y \ci C \mid L, A\)`, so `\(E[Y \vert L = l, A = a] = E[Y \vert L = l, A = a, C = 0]\)`. - Therefore, we can identify `\(E[Y(a)]\)` using the formula $$ `\begin{split} E[ Y(a) ] = \sum_{l} E[ Y \vert L = l, A = a, C = 0] P[L = l] \end{split}` $$ - However! This requires an estimate of `\(P[L = l]\)`, not `\(P[L = l \vert C = 0]\)`, so we must have an estimate of the uncensored distribution of `\(L\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Selection as a Treatment - Hernan and Robins argue that, in the presence of selectin, we should think of our causal estimand as `\(E[Y(A = a, C = 0)]\)`, the expected value of `\(Y\)` intervening to set `\(A\)` to `\(a\)` **and** intervening to eliminate selection. - In most cases, `\(Y\)` is not a descendent of `\(C\)`, so this is really the same as `\(E[Y(a)]\)`. - However, Hernan and Robins argue that including `\(C = 0\)` as a treatment helps us remember that we need to ensure that exchangeability, positivity, and consistency hold for `\(C\)` as well as `\(A\)`. --- ## Selection Backdoor Criterion - Barenboim, Tian, and Pearl (2014) give an extension of the backdoor criterion for settings with selection. - Let `\(\mathbf{Z}\)` be a set of conditioning variables with `\(\mathbf{Z}^{+}\)` non-descendents of `\(A\)` and `\(\mathbf{Z}^{-}\)` descendents of `\(A\)`. - `\(\mathbf{Z}\)` satisfies the s-backdoor criterion relative to `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)` if: 1. `\(\mathbf{Z}^{+}\)` blocks all backdoor paths from `\(A\)` to `\(Y\)`. 1. `\(Y \ci \mathbf{Z}^{-} \mid A, \mathbf{Z}^{+}\)` ( `\(Y\)` is `\(d\)`-separated from `\(\mathbf{Z}^{-}\)` by `\(A\)` and `\(\mathbf{Z}^{+}\)`) 1. `\(Y \ci C \mid A, \mathbf{Z}\)` ( `\(Y\)` is `\(d\)`-separated from `\(C\)` by `\(A\)` and `\(\mathbf{Z}\)`) 1. `\(P(\mathbf{Z})\)` can be measured without selection. --- ## Selection Backdoor Criterion - If `\(\mathbf{Z}\)` satisfies the s-backdoor criterion, then `\(E[Y(a)]\)` can be identified by `$$P[Y(a)] = \sum_{z} P(Y \vert A, \mathbf{Z}, C = 0) P(\mathbf{Z})$$` - We need `\(P(A = a, Z = z, C = 0) > 0\)` for all `\(a\)` and `\(z\)`. - Or equivalently, `\(P[C = 0 \vert A = a, Z = z] > 0\)`. --- ## Example - In this example, we can satisfy the s-backdoor criterion with `\(\mathbf{Z} = \left\lbrace L \right \rbrace\)` with `\(\mathbf{Z}^{+} = \left\lbrace L \right \rbrace\)` and `\(\mathbf{Z}^{-} = \left\lbrace \right \rbrace\)`: 1. There are no backdoor paths from `\(A\)` to `\(Y\)`. 1. `\(\mathbf{Z}^{-}\)` is the empty set so the second condition is satisfied. 1. `\(Y \ci C \mid A, L\)` 1. So we must be able to observe `\(L\)` without censoring. <center>
</center> --- ## IP Weighting for Selection Bias - IP weighting is another tool for recovering from selection bias. - First, we want to weight the data to look like a population with no selection. We need a set of variables `\(L_1\)` such that `$$Y( C = 0) \ci C \mid L_1, A$$` - We then weight the data by `\(W^{c} = \frac{1}{P(C = 0 \vert L_1, A)}\)` - Second, we need a set of variables `\(L_2\)` such that `$$Y(A = a, C = 0) \ci A \mid L_2$$` - The second stage weights are `\(W^{A} = \frac{1}{f(A \vert L_2)}\)` - The total weights are `\(W = W^{C} W^{A}\)` --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 1 - The graph we saw earlier is a modified verison of HR Fig 8.3: <center>
</center> - `\(L\)` represents pre-existing heart disease. - `\(A\)` is random assignment to a diet containing wasabi. - `\(Y\)` indicates death by the end of the trial. - Some participants are lost to follow-up ( `\(C = 1\)` ) due either to heart disease or the treatment assignment. --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 1 - We must condition on `\(L\)` to block the path between `\(Y(C = 0)\)` and `\(C.\)` - `\(Y(A = a, C = 0)\)` is independent of `\(A\)` unconditionally. - Since there is no confounding, we only need to compute `\(W^{C} = 1/P[C = 0 \vert L, A]\)` for all levels of `\(L\)` and `\(A\)`. - We can do this as long as only `\(Y\)` is censored. - To use the stratification strategy, we only needed uncensored estimates of `\(P(L)\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 1 - The table shows `\(P[C = 0 \vert A, L]\)` from the HR example. <center> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> \(A=0\) </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> \(A=1\) </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> \(L=0\) </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1.0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> \(L=1\) </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.6 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.2 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> - Individuals with `\(A = 0\)` and `\(L = 0\)` get weight 1 because they were never censored. - Individuals with `\(A = 1\)` and `\(L =1\)` get weight 5 because `\(4/5\)` of this stratum is censored. --- ## Positivity and Consistency - In order to use IP weighting, we need `\(P[C = 0 \vert A, L] > 0\)` in all strata of `\(A\)` and `\(L\)`. - We do not need `\(P[C = 1 \vert A, L] > 0\)`. - We also need the the counterfactual outcome `\(Y(A = a, C = 0)\)` to be well-defined. + If `\(C\)` is loss to follow-up, it makes sense to suppose that all patients were followed. - Suppose that `\(C\)` is censoring due to death resulting from causes other than `\(A\)`. + HR argue that it doesn't make sense to propose an intervention that that eliminates all other causes of death. --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 2 <center>
</center> - In the previous example, we saw that both IP weighting and the s-backdoor criterion could be used to identify the treatment effect. - Here, stratifying by `\(L\)` induces association through the path `\(A \rightarrow L \leftarrow U \rightarrow Y\)`. - If `\(U\)` is unobserved, there is no way to satisfy the s-backdoor criterion: - To `\(d\)`-separate `\(Y\)` from `\(C\)`, we must condition on `\(L\)`. - But `\(L\)` is a child of `\(A\)`, so in `\(\mathbf{Z}^{-}\)` and there is no way to `\(d\)`-separate `\(L\)` from `\(Y\)` without `\(U\)`. --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 2 <center>
</center> - Without `\(U\)`, we cannot apply the s-backdoor criterion to estimate `\(E[Y(a)]\)`. - However, weighting by `\(1/P[C = 0 \vert A, L]\)` works. - We must be able to observe `\(A\)`, and `\(L\)` without censoring. - And we must have positivity, `\(P[C = 0 \vert A = a, L = l] > 0\ \forall a, l\)`. --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 2 <center>
</center> - Our IP weighting formula is `$$E[Y(a)] = E\left[\frac{1_{A = a, C = 0}Y}{P[C = 0 \vert A = a, L]}\right]$$` - Which we could estimate as `$$\hat{E}[Y(a)]= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \frac{1_{A_i = a, C_i = 0}Y_i}{\hat{P}[C = 0 \vert A = a, L = L_i]}$$` --- ## Recovering From Selection Example 2 <center>
</center> - There is a second way to identify `\(E[Y(a)]\)` without `\(U\)` in this graph, pointed out by Berskin et al (2018) and Cinelli and Pearl (2018). - Without censoring `\(A \ci Y\)`, so `\(E[Y(a)] = E[Y \vert A = a]\)`. - Using the law of total probability and d-separation $$ `\begin{split} E[Y(a)] = E[Y \vert A = a] = &\sum_{l}E[Y \vert A = a, L = l]P[L = l \vert A = a]\\ =& \sum_{l}E[Y \vert A = a, L = l, C = 0]P[L = l \vert A = a] \end{split}` $$ - Notice that we still need `\(P[L = l \vert A =a]\)` which is not the same as `\(P[L = l \vert A =a, C = 0]\)`. --- ## Sources of Selection Bias - Differential loss to follow-up: Participants may drop out of the study for reasons related to the treatment or outcome. - Non-response: Social stigmas may make people more likely to omit some kinds of information than others. - Self-selection/volunteer bias: Some individuals may be more likely to volunteer for a study than others. <!-- + For example, healthy people with a family history of cancer may be more likely to participate in a cancer study. --> <!-- + If the study is advertised in particular places (e.g. on public transport), some people will be more likely to know about the study than others. --> - Healthy worker bias: Participants for a study of an occupational exposure on an outcome are recruited from among those who are at work on the day the exposure is measured. + People may be more likely to miss work for reasons directly related to the outcome or for reasons that are associated with both outcome and exposure (e.g. SES). --- ## Case-Control Studies - The graph from our first example could have described a case-control study. <center>
</center> - Individuals are selected into the study based on their value of `\(Y\)`, whcih is binary. - In this case, we are no longer able estimate the average counterfactuals or the causal risk ratio. - However, in this DAG, we can estimate the causal odds ratio due to cancellation. --- ## Case-Control Studies - Without censoring, `\(Y(a)\)` and `\(A\)` are exchangeable so `\(P[Y(a) = 1]= P[Y = 1 \vert A = a]\)`. - The causal odds is `\(\frac{P[Y(a)=1]}{1-P[Y(a) = 1]}\)` $$ `\begin{split} \frac{P[Y(a)=1]}{1-P[Y(a) = 1]} = &\frac{P[Y = 1 \vert A = a ]}{P[Y = 0 \vert A = a]}\\ = & \frac{P[Y = 1\vert A, C = 0]P[C = 0 \vert A]}{P[Y = 0\vert A, C = 0]P[C = 0 \vert A]} \\ = &\frac{P[Y = 1\vert A, C = 0]}{P[Y = 0\vert A, C = 0]} \end{split}` $$ - This means that we can estimate the causal odds even with censoring and the causal odds ratio will not be subject to selection bias in this graph. <center>
</center> --- ## Case-Control Studies - If `\(Y\)` is the only cause of selection, we can recover `\(E[Y(a)]\)` by using outside information, even though there is no way to satisfy the s-backdoor criterion. - Suppose we know the population prevalence, `\(P[Y = 1] = \alpha\)` in the target population. Then, $$ `\begin{split} P[Y(a)=1] = & P[Y =1 \vert A = a] = \frac{P[A = a \vert Y = 1]P[Y = 1]}{P[A = a]} \\ = &\frac{\alpha P[A = a \vert Y = 1]}{\alpha P[A = a \vert Y = 1] + (1-\alpha)P[A = a \vert Y = 0]}\\ = & \frac{\alpha P[A = a \vert Y = 1, C= 0]}{\alpha P[A = a \vert Y = 1, C = 0] + (1-\alpha)P[A = a \vert Y = 0, C = 0]} \end{split}` $$ <center>
</center> --- ## Selection Bias and Hazard Ratios - Suppose we have a single treatment `\(A\)` and then individuals are followed over time. - We are interested in estimating the counterfactual risk of death under treatment `\(a\)` (or the RR comparing treatment `\(a\)` and `\(a^\prime\)` ). - For simplicity, assume we have two discrete time points and know + `\(Y_1\)`: death by time point 1 + `\(Y_2\)`: death by time point 2 <center>
</center> --- ## Hazard Ratios - In this DAG, we can estimate the total causal effect of `\(A\)` on both `\(Y_1\)` and `\(Y_2\)` since we have exchangeability for both. - In both cases, the causal risk ratio is equal to the association risk ratio. - The *hazard* at time 2 is the probability of dying by time 2 conditional on being alive at time 1 (for discrete time). - Based on our DAG, conditional on `\(Y_1\)`, there is no effect of `\(A\)` on `\(Y_2\)`. - However, conditioning on `\(Y_1\)` induces a non-causal association between `\(Y_2\)` and `\(A\)` through `\(U\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Hazard Ratios Example - Suppose that `\(U\)` is an indicator for being high-risk or low-risk. - With no treatment, half of the high-risk individuals would die at each time and most of the low-risk individuals would survive. - Suppose that the treatment kills all high-risk individuals by time 1 and has no effect for low-risk individuals. - At time 2, the treatment group contains only low-risk individuals, but the control group contains a mix of low and high-risk individuals. - At time 2, a greater proportion of individuals in the control group will die than in the treatment group, so the hazard ratio at time 2 will be less than 1. - Even though the treatment is not beneficial for any patients at any time point! --- # 2. Non-Compliance --- ## Non-Compliance - We perform a randomized trial of smoking cessation. - A population of current smokers with no immediate plans to quit are recruited. - Half the participants are assigned to quit smoking for six weeks, the other half are assigned to continue smoking as usual ( `\(Z\)` ). - We measure cardiovascular endurance at the beginning and end of the study. - Our outcome, `\(Y\)`, represents the change in endurance over 6 weeks. --- ## Non-Compliance - Suppose that both treatment groups have some rate of non-adherence to the treatment plan. + There are some people who are assigned to quit and don't. + Some people assigned to continue smoking are inspired by their study particpation and decide to quit anyway. - Let `\(A\)` represent the actual treatment each person receives (quitting or not). - Let `\(U\)` be a confounder that affects both adherence and change in endurance. - Draw a DAG of this scenario. --- ## Non-Compliance <center>
</center> - The blue arrow may exist if knowledge of the treatment assignment alters participants behavior. + People who are assigned to quit and don't may exercise more to "make up" for not quitting. - The blue arrow might be eliminated if it is possible to conceal the treatment from participants (*blinding*). --- ## Non-Compliance - We would like to estimate `\(E[Y(a)]\)` and + `\(E[Y(A=1)] - E[Y(A = 0)]\)`, the *per-protocol (PP) effect*. + In this graph, the presence of `\(U\)` means that `\(E[Y(a)]\)` is not identifiable. - We can identify `\(E[Y(z)]\)`. + `\(E[Y(z =1)] - E[Y(z = 0)]\)` is the *intention-to-treat (ITT) effect*. <center>
</center> --- ## Pros of the ITT - The ITT can be measured from the data without confounding and is therefore often preferred. - If we further assume that the blue arrow does not exist, then the following arguments are in favor of the ITT. - The ITT preserves the null: If there is no effect of `\(A\)` on `\(Y\)` then there is no effect of `\(Z\)` on `\(Y\)`. - If we further assume *monotonicity* ( `\(Y_i(1) \geq Y_i(0)\)` for all individuals `\(i\)` ), then the ITT effect is closer to zero than the PP effect, making the estimate conservative. <center>
</center> --- ## Cons of the ITT - Conservativeness is not always good. + For example, if we are looking for adverse effects of a medication, a conservative estimate is dangerous. - If montonicity does not hold, the ITT may be anti-conservative: + Suppose individuals who benefit from the treatment are more likely to comply than individuals who would be harmed by it. - In some cases, assuming the blue arrow is not present is unreasonable. + If the blue arrow is present the ITT may differ from the PP in any direction. --- ## "As-Treated" Analysis to Estimate the PP Effect - If we can measure confounding factors between `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`, we can estimate the PP effect using IP weighting or standardization. - In this case we are treating our trial data like observational data. - This is the "as-treated" analysis. <center>
</center> --- ## "Per-Protocol" Analysis to Estimate the PP Effect - Another commonly used alternative is to exclude all non-compliers from the analysis. - This approach introduces selection bias unless the the confounders `\(U\)` are measured. - So either way, we need to measure `\(U\)`. - Later we will see an alternative method, instrumental variable analysis, which requires some additional assumptions. <center>
</center> --- # 3. Measurment Error --- ## Measurement Error - The non-compliance problem is similar to a measurement error problem. + `\(Z\)` is like a mis-measured version of `\(A\)`. - More generally, measurements of `\(A\)`, `\(Y\)`, or other variables could be inaccurate. - We won't cover methods for accounting for measurement error, but it is important to be aware of. --- ## Measurement Error in DAGs - To represent measurement error in a DAG, we can use different nodes for measured values ( `\(A^*\)` and `\(Y^*\)` below) and true values ( `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`). - Add in other variables that might affect the measured value. <center>
</center> --- ## Independent, Non-Differential Measurement Error - The graph below represents **independent**, **non-differential** measurement error. - It is **independent** because `\(U_A\)` is independent of `\(U_Y\)`. - It is **non-differential** because `\(U_A\)` and `\(U_Y\)` are independent of `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Independent, Non-Differential Measurement Error - Even though `\(Y(a) \ci A\)` unconditionally, `\(E[Y^* \vert A^*] \neq E[Y(a)]\)`. - If the strict null holds, then `\(E[Y^*\vert A^* = 1] - E[Y^* \vert A^* = 0]\)` is an unbiased estimate of the ATE (which is 0). - However, if the strict null does not hold, bias could be in any direction. The associational estimate may even be opposite sign from the true value. - This can occur if `\(E[A^* \vert A]\)` is not monotonic in `\(A\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Differential Measurement Error - `\(Y\)` might affect `\(U_A\)` if `\(A\)` is measured after some effect of `\(Y\)` has already occurred, creating the appearance of reverse causation. - `\(A\)` might affect `\(U_Y\)` if observation of `\(A\)` affects measurement of `\(Y\)`, e.g. closer monitoring of those with `\(A = 1\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Non-Independent Measurement Error - Non-independent measurement error occurs if measurement errors for `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)` are associated. - For example, if both `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)` are measured by patient recall, some patients might have generally bad recall and their memory of `\(A\)` could affect their memory of `\(Y\)`. <center>
</center> --- ## Measurment Error in Confounders - If a confounder, `\(L\)`, is measured with error, it will generally not be true that `\(Y(a) \ci A \mid L^*\)` even if `\(Y(a) \ci A \mid L\)`. - Conditioning on `\(L^*\)` rather than `\(L\)` will leave residual confounding. - Dichotomizing or coarsening confounders can introduce measurement error. <center>
</center> --- ## Dealing with Measurment Error - Accounting for measurement error generally requiires outisde information. - For example, with some "gold standard" samples, we could estimate a model for `\(E[A^* \vert A]\)` and `\(E[Y^* \vert Y]\)`. - For the rest of this class, we will generally not worry about measurment error (or optimistically assume there is none).