class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # L11: Time Varying Treatment Part 2 ### Jean Morrison ### University of Michigan ### 2023-02-22 (updated: 2024-03-13) --- `\(\newcommand{\ci}{\perp\!\!\!\perp}\)` ## Lecture Outline 1. G-Estimation for Time-Varying Treatments 1. Iterated Conditional Expectation Estimators 1. Repeated Outcome Measures --- ## G-Estimation For Time-Varying Exposures --- ## G-Estimation - Recall from L8, in G-estimation for a single time-point, we start by writing a semiparametric structural mean model for the contrast of interest, `$$E[Y(a) \vert A = a, L=l]-E[Y(0)\vert A = a, L=l] = \gamma(a, l; \beta)$$` - We then define the `\(H\)` function, `\(H_i(x) = Y_i - \gamma(A_i, L_i; x)\)`. - Finally, we find the value of `\(x\)` that makes `\(H(x)\)` orthogonal to `\(A \vert L\)` by either solving an estimating equation doing a grid search. --- ## G-Estimation - Starting with the two time-point model, we will use the same strategy as in L8 but we will write two semiparametric structural mean models. $$ `\begin{split} &E[Y(a_0, 0) - Y(0, 0) &\vert A_0 = a_0, L_0= l_0] = \gamma_0(a_0, l_0; \beta_0) = \beta_0 a_0\\ &E[Y(a_0, a_1) - Y(a_0, 0) &\vert L_1(a_0) = l_1, L_0 = l_0, A_0 = a_0, A_1(a_0) = a_1] \\ &&= \gamma_1(a_0, a_1, l_1, l_0; \beta_1) \\ \end{split}` $$ - For example, if we had no `\(L_0\)`, we could use $$ `\begin{split} \gamma_0(a_0; \beta_0) = \beta_0 a_0\\ \gamma_1(a_0, a_1, l_1, l_0; \beta_1) = a_1(\beta_{1,1} + \beta_{1,2}l_1 + \beta_{1,3}a_0 + \beta_{1,4}a_0l_1) \end{split}` $$ - By consistency, we can re-write the second equation as $$ `\begin{split} &E[Y(a_0, a_1) - Y(a_0, 0) &\vert L_1 = l_1, L_0 = l_0, A_0 = a_0, A_1 = a_1] \\ &&= \gamma_1(a_0, a_1, l_1, l_0; \beta_1) \\ \end{split}` $$ --- ## G-Estimation - From `\(Y(a_1, a_0) \ci A_0 \vert L_0\)` we have $$ E[Y(a_0, 0) - Y(0, 0) \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0= l_0] = E[Y(a_0, 0) - Y(0, 0) \vert L_0= l_0] $$ - From `\(Y(a_0, a_1) \ci A_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0, L_1\)`, we have $$ `\begin{split} &E[Y(a_0, a_1) - Y(a_0, 0) &\vert L_1 = l_1, L_0= l_0, A_0 = a_0, A_1 = a_1] =\\ && E[Y(a_0, a_1) - Y(a_0, 0) \vert L_1 = l_1, L_0= l_0, A_0 = a_0] \end{split}` $$ --- ## G-Estimation - Combining these results with our previous model we now have $$ `\begin{split} &E[Y(a_0, 0) - Y(0, 0) &\vert L_0= l_0] = \gamma_0(a_0, l_0; \beta_0) \\ &E[Y(a_0, a_1) - Y(a_0, 0) &\vert L_1 = l_1, L_0= l_0, A_0 = a_0, ] \\ &&= \gamma_1(a_0, a_1, l_1, l_0; \beta_1) \end{split}` $$ - Now we need to link this model to the data. We will use consistency! - By consistency, `\(Y_i(a_0, a_1) = Y_i\)` if `\(A_{0,i} = a_0\)` and `\(A_{1,i} = a_1\)` so $$ `\begin{split} &E[Y_i(A_{0,i}, 0) \vert L_{1,i}, L_{0,i}, A_{0, i}= a_0, A_{1,i}] = Y_i - \gamma_1(\bar{A}_{i,1}, \bar{L}_{1,i}; \beta_1)\\ &E[Y_i(0, 0) \vert L_{0,i}, A_{0, i}] = E[Y_i(A_{0,i}, 0) \vert L_{0,i}, A_{0, i}] - \gamma_0(A_{0,i}, L_{0,i}; \beta_0)\\ \end{split}` $$ - Note the top statement applies only to units with `\(A_{0,i} = a_0\)`. - These are structural **nested** mean models because the left side of the top equation appears in the bottom equation. --- ## G-Estimation - We can now define two "H" functions $$ `\begin{split} H_{1,i}(x) = Y_i - \gamma_1(\bar{A}_{1,i}, \bar{L}_{1,i}; x)\\ H_{0,i}(x) = H_{1,i}(x) - \gamma_0(A_{0,i}, L_{0,i}; x) \end{split}` $$ - Here `\(x\)` is a combined vector of parameters in both equations. - Just as before, our goal is to find a value for `\(x\)` that makes mean sequential exchangeability true. --- ## G-Estimation - We want to find the value of `\(x\)` such that `\(H_{k}(x)\)` and `\(A_k\)` are mean independent conditional on `\(\bar{A}_{k-1}\)` and `\(\bar{L}_k\)`. - This means that we need models for `\(E[A_k \vert \bar{A}_{k-1}, \bar{L}_k]\)` for each time point. - We have two options: - Fit a model for `\(E[A_{k} \vert \bar{A}_{k-1}, \bar{L}_k, H_k(x)]\)` including `\(H_k\)` as one or more linear covariates and find a value of `\(x\)` such that all coefficients for `\(H_k(x)\)` are 0. - Solve estimating equations. --- ## Considerations - Remember, in G-Estimation we are working with structural nested mean models **not** structural marginal models, these models are conditional on covariates. - This means we need to get the effect modification model right. - In the time-varying case, we also need to think about effect modification by past treatment. - We could quickly acquire many coefficients, so using the grid search method will become infeasible, we will have to use the estimating equations. --- ## Estimation - Once we have estimated all the parameters of the structural nested mean models, we need to estimate `\(E[Y(\bar{a})]\)`. - `\(E[H_0(x^\star)] = E[Y(\bar{0})]\)` at the true value of `\(x^\star\)`, so we can estimate `\(E[Y(\bar{0})]\)` as the sample average of `\(H_{0, i}(\hat{x})\)`. - For other values, we can plug into our nested models. - However, if the `\(\gamma\)` functions include covariates, we will need to simulate these covariates the same way we did for the parametric G-formula method. --- ## Estimation - Suppose we want to estimat `\(E[Y(a_0, a_1)]\)`. - We know that we can estimate `\(E[Y(0, 0)]\)` as `\(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N H_{0, i}(\hat{x})\)`. - From our first equation, we know that `$$E[Y(a_0, 0) \vert L_0 = l_0] = E[Y(0, 0) \vert L_0 = l_0] + \gamma_0(a_0, l_0; \beta)$$` so we can find `\(\hat{E}[Y(a_0, 0)]\)` as $$ `\begin{split} \hat{E}[Y(a_{0}, 0) ] &= \hat{E}_{L_0}[Y(a_0, 0) \vert L_{0} = l_0] \\ &= \hat{E}_{L_0}[Y(0, 0)] + E_{L_0}[\gamma_0(a_0, l_0; \hat{x})]\\ &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N H_{0, i}(\hat{x}) + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N \gamma_0(a_0, l_{0, i}; \hat{x}) \end{split}` $$ --- ## Estimation - From the second equation we know that $$ `\begin{split} E[Y(a_0, a_1) &\vert L_1 = l_1, L_0 = l_0, A_0 = a_0] =\\ &E[Y(a_0, 0) \vert L_0 = l_0, L_1 = l_1, A_0 = a_0] + \gamma_1(a_0, a_1, l_0, l_1; \hat{x}) \end{split}` $$ - So we can estimate `\(E[Y(a_0, a_1)]\)` as $$ `\begin{split} \hat{E}[Y(a_{0}, a_1) ] &= \hat{E}_{\bar{L}_1}[Y(a_0, a_1) \vert \bar{L}_1, A_{0}= a_0] \\ &= \hat{E}[Y(a_0, 0)] + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N \gamma_1(\bar{a}_1, l_{0, i}, l_{1,i}(a_0); \hat{x}) \end{split}` $$ - In the last step, we need to average over the counterfactual distribution of `\(L_1\)`, so we need to simulate from an estimated distribution of `\(L_1 \vert L_0, A_0\)`. --- ## General Estimation Procedure - Suppose we want to estimate `\(E[Y(\bar{a})]\)`. - Step 1: Estimate `\(E[Y(\bar{0})]\)` as the sample average of `\(H_{0, i}(\hat{x})\)`. - Step 2: Fit parametric models for `\(f(l_k \vert \bar{a}_{k-1}, \bar{l}_{k-1})\)`. - Step 3: Simulate a covariate history for everyone under the target treatment history (just like G-computation). - Step 4: Compute `\(\hat{E}[Y(\bar{a})] = \hat{E}[Y(\bar{0})] + \sum_{k = 0}^K \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^{N}\gamma_k(\bar{a}_k, \bar{l}_{i,k}(\bar{a}_{k-1}; \hat{x}))\)` - Just as in G-computation, we don't have to limit our simulated data size to the orignal data size. We can resample many times. --- ## Iterated Conditional Expectation Estimators --- ## Iterated Conditional Expectation (ICE) - Recall that we can express the G-formula is as a nested series of expectations. - For two time-points the G-formula is `$$E[Y(\bar{a})] = \int_{l_0, l_1} E[Y \vert \bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}, L_0 = l_0, L_1 = l_1] dF_1(l_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0 = l_0) dF_0(l_0)$$` - Previously, we showed that we could derive the G-formula from sequential exchangeability as an expression of iterated expectations. $$ `\begin{split} &Y(a_0, a_1) \ci A_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0, L_1\\ &Y(a_0, a_1) \ci A_0 \vert L_0 \end{split}` $$ --- ## Iterated Conditional Expectation (ICE) $$ `\begin{split} &Y(a_0, a_1) \ci A_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0, L_1\\ &Y(a_0, a_1) \ci A_0 \vert L_0 \end{split}` $$ - From the second relation, we determine that $$E[Y(\bar{a})] = \color{purple}{E_{L_0}\bigg[ } E[Y(a_1) \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0] \color{purple}{\bigg]} $$ - From the first relation, we have `$$E[Y(a_1) \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0] = \color{blue}{E_{L_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0}\Big[} \color{green}{E\big[\color{red}{Y} \vert \bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}, L_0, L_1\big] } \color{blue}{\Big \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0\Big]}$$` - Putting these parts together, `$$E[Y(\bar{a})] = \color{purple}{E_{L_0}\bigg[ }\color{blue}{E_{L_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0}\Big[} \color{green}{E\big[\color{red}{Y} \vert \bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}, L_0, L_1\big] } \color{blue}{\Big \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0\Big]} \color{purple}{\bigg]}$$` --- ## ICE Estimation - The idea of ICE estimation is to fit models for each expectation iteratively. - The first step is to define `\(\hat{Q}_3 = Y\)` and plug this into the G-formula expression. `$$E[Y(\bar{a})] = \color{purple}{E_{L_0}\bigg[ }\color{blue}{E_{L_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0}\Big[} \color{green}{E\big[\color{red}{\hat{Q}_3} \vert \bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}, L_0, L_1\big] } \color{blue}{\Big \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0\Big]} \color{purple}{\bigg]}$$` - Next, define a model for `\(\hat{Q}_2(L_1, L_0) = \hat{E}[\hat{Q}_3 \vert \bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}, \bar{L}_1]\)`. For example, `$$E[\hat{Q}_3 \vert \bar{L}_{1}, \bar{A}_{1} = \bar{a}] = \theta_{0, 1} + \theta_{1,1} L_{1} + \theta_{2,1}L_0$$` - We can fit this as a regular regression fit only among those with `\(\bar{A}_1 = \bar{a}\)`. - Think of `\(\hat{Q}_2\)` as an estimate of `\(E[Y(a_1) \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0, L_1]\)`. --- ## ICE Estimation - Now we plug `\(\hat{Q}_2(L_1, L_0)\)` into the expression `$$E[Y(a_0, a_1)] = \color{purple}{E_{L_0}\bigg[ }\color{blue}{E_{L_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0}\Big[} \color{green}{\hat{Q}_2(L_0, L_1)} \color{blue}{\Big \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0\Big]} \color{purple}{\bigg]}$$` - Now we estimate the blue part. This will be a regression model with `\(\hat{Q}_2\)` as the outcome and `\(L_0\)` as predictors fit amongst those with `\(A_0 = a_0\)`. - To find the outcome, at this stage, we compute `\(\hat{Q}_{2,i}\)` for each person with `\(A_{0,i} = a_0\)` by plugging `\(L_{1,i}\)`, `\(L_{0,i}\)` into the fitted model from the previous stage. --- ## ICE Estimation - Use these fitted values to fit a model for `\(\hat{Q}_1(L_0) = E[\hat{Q}_{2} \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0]\)`, for example `$$\hat{Q}_1(L_0) = E[\hat{Q}_2 \vert L_{0}, A_{0} = a_0] = \theta_{0, 0} + \theta_{1,0} L_{0}$$` - Fit this model using only those with `\(A_0 = a_0\)`. - Plugging this into the formula, we have `$$E[Y(a_0, a_1)] = \color{purple}{E_{L_0}\bigg[ }\color{blue}{\hat{Q}_1(L_0)} \color{purple}{\bigg]}$$` - Now we compute `\(\hat{Q}_{1,i}\)` for each person in the study by plugging `\(L_{0,i}\)` into the fitted model. - Finally we estimate `\(\hat{E}[Y(\bar{a})] = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i =1}^N\hat{Q}_{1,i}\)` using everyone in the sample. --- ## ICE Estimation General Procedure - Define `$$Q_{K+2} = Y\\\ Q_{K+1} = E[Y \vert \bar{A}_K = \bar{a}_K, \bar{L}_{K}]\\\ \vdots\\\ Q_m = E[Q_{m+1} \vert \bar{A}_m = \bar{a}_m, \bar{L}_{m-1} ]\\\ \vdots\\\ Q_0 = E[Q_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0]$$` - Propose models for `\(E[Q_{m+1} \vert \bar{L}_{m-1}, \bar{A}_{m} = \bar{a}_m]\)`. - At each stage, fit the next model using fitted values from the previous model as the outcome. Fit each model only among those with `\(\bar{A}_m = \bar{a}_m\)`. - When we get all the way down to 0, `\(Q_0 = E[Q_1 \vert A_0 = a_0, L_0]\)` is an estimator of `\(Y(\bar{a})\)`. --- ## ICE Estimation - The ICE estimator will be valid if the outcome regression was correct at each time point. - An advantage over the parametric G-formula approach is that we didn't have to estimate the joint distribution of `\(L\)`. --- ## Doubly Robust Estimator - We can turn the ICE estimator into a doubly robust estimator by adding a special covariate based on the propensity score to each regression. - Below is a variation of the Scharfstein et al "special covariate" regression strategy for estimating `\(Y(a)\)` that we saw previously: 1. Estimate `\(P[A = a \vert L]\)` and compute `\(W^{A}_i = \frac{1}{\hat{P}[A = A_i \vert L]}\)` 2. Propose an outcome model `\(E[Y \vert A = a, L] = m(A = a, L; \theta)\)` 3. Fit the model `\(E[Y_i \vert A_i, L_i] = m(A_i, L_i; \theta) + \phi W^{A}_i\)`, only among those with `\(A_i = a\)`. 4. Compute the standardized estimate `$$E[Y(a)] = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \left(m(a, L_i; \hat{\theta}) + \hat{\phi}\frac{1}{\hat{P}[A = a \vert L_i]} \right)$$` --- ## Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment - We will use the same strategy in combination with the ICE estimation strategy. - Just as in IP weighting, we need to fit a model for `\(f(A_k \vert \bar{A}_{k-1}, \bar{L}_k)\)` at each time point. - For each time point compute `$$W^{\bar{A}_m}_i = \prod_{k=0}^m \frac{1}{\hat{f}(A_k = A_{k,i}\vert \bar{A}_{k-1,i}, \bar{L}_{k,i})}$$` and `$$W^{\bar{A}_m, a_m }_i = \frac{W^{\bar{A}_{m-1}}_i}{f(A_m = a_m \vert \bar{A}_{i,m-1}, \bar{L}_{i,m})}$$` --- ## Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment - In each regression step, we add `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_m}\)` as a covariate in the regression. - In the estimation step, we replace `\(A_m\)` with `\(a_m\)` *and* `\(W^{\bar{A}_m}\)` with `\(W^{\bar{A}_m, a_m = 1}\)`. <!-- --- --> <!-- # Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment --> <!-- - We will use a similar procedure with some modifications. --> <!-- 1a. Estimate time-varying weights (one per each person-time point) --> <!-- 1b. Compute the modified time-varying weight corresponding to the treatment strategy. We will use "always treated" so `\(A_m = 1\)` --> <!-- `$$W^{\bar{A}_m, a_m = 1} = W^{\bar{A}_{m-1}} \frac{1}{f(A_m = 1 \vert \bar{A}_{m-1}, \bar{L}_m)}$$` --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment --> <!-- 2a. Start at time `\(K\)` and fit an outcome model for `\(E[Y \vert \bar{A}_{K}, \bar{L}_{K}]\)` including `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_K}\)` as a covariate. For example, --> <!-- `$$E[ Y \vert \bar{A}_K, \bar{L}_K] = \theta_{0, K} + \theta_{1,K}cum(\bar{A}_K) + \theta_{2,K} L_K + \theta_{3,K} \hat{W}^{\bar{A}_K}$$` --> <!-- Define `\(\hat{T}_{K+1} = Y\)`. --> <!-- 2b. Estimate `\(\hat{T}_{K}\)` under the treatment strategy in which `\(A_{K}\)` was set to 1. --> <!-- + To do this, we replace `\(A_K\)` in our data with 1 and `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_K}\)` with `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_{K-1}, a_K = 1}\)` --> <!-- + And then take the average of the predicted values with the new data. --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment --> <!-- 2c. Proceed backwards to the next time point. Fit the same model, except now `\(\hat{T}_{K}\)` rather than `\(Y\)` is the outcome. --> <!-- `$$E[ \hat{T}_{K} \vert \bar{A}_{K-1}, \bar{L}_{K-1}] = \theta_{0, K} + \theta_{1,K-1}cum(\bar{A}_{K-1}) + \theta_{2,K-1} L_{K-1} + \theta_{3,K-1} \hat{W}^{\bar{A}_{K-1}}$$` --> <!-- 2d. Estimate `\(\hat{T}_{K-1}\)` as the fitted values from this model, replacing `\(A_{K-1}\)` with the intervention value `\(a_{K-1} = 1\)` and `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_{K-1}}\)` with `\(\hat{W}^{\bar{A}_{K-2}, a_{K-1} = 1}\)`. --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Doubly Robust Estimator for Time Varying Treatment --> <!-- 2e. Keep going all the way back to time point 0. --> <!-- - When we get all the way back to time 0, the average `\(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N \hat{T}_{0,i}\)` is a doubly robust estimator of `\(Y(\bar{a})\)`. --> --- ## `\(K+1\)` Robustness Our estimator is valid if: 1) The `\(f(A_k \vert \bar{A}_{k-1}, \bar{L}_k)\)` is correct at all times OR 2) The outcome model is correct at all time points. OR 3) The treatment model is correct for times 0 to `\(k\)` and the outcome model is correct for times `\(k+1\)` to `\(K\)` for any `\(k < K\)` --- ## Other Multiply Robust Estimators - Just as in the point treatment case, there are other multiply robust estimators for time-varying treatments. - For example, there is a version of the AIPW estimator `\(\hat{\Delta}_{DR}\)` for multiple time-points. + There is also an extension of this estimator that gives `\(2^{K+1}\)` robustness, meaning that only one of the treatment or outcome model must be correct at each time point. + See Technical Point 21.4 in HR for more details. --- ## Implementing Time-Varying Methods --- ## Simulated Data - I simulated data for three time-points - Treatment is binary, there is one continuous time-varying covariate, `\(L\)`, and one time-fixed covariate `\(Z\)`. - One end of study continuous outcome, `\(Y\)` - `\(A_k\)` depends only on `\(L_k\)` and `\(A_{k-1}\)` - `\(L_k\)` depends on `\(A_{k-1}\)`, `\(L_{k-1}\)`, and `\(Z\)` - `\(Y\)` is normal, mean is linear in `\(A_k\)`, `\(L_k\)`, and `\(A_k L_k\)` - We will focus on trying to estimate `\(E[Y(0, 0, 0)]\)`, `\(E[Y(0, 1, 1)]\)` and `\(E[Y(1, 1, 1)]\)` --- ## Data Summary <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:right;"> A0 </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> A1 </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> A2 </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> MeanY </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> N </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> MeanCounterfactualY </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.06 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 624 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.23 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.10 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 718 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.08 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.41 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1079 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.10 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ## IP Weighting - For IP weighting we need a propensity model for each time point. ```r ## Fitting separate models f0 <- glm(A.0 ~ L.0, family = "binomial", data = dat3) f1 <- glm(A.1 ~ A.0 + L.1, family = "binomial", data = dat3) f2 <- glm(A.2 ~ A.1 + L.2, family = "binomial", data = dat3) ## For numerator of stabilized weights s0 <- glm(A.0 ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = dat3) s1 <- glm(A.1 ~ A.0 , family = "binomial", data = dat3) s2 <- glm(A.2 ~ A.1, family = "binomial", data = dat3) ``` - We could also have estimated these in a combined model in long format data. + We would need a column for `\(A_{k-1}\)` and we might want an interaction with time. --- ## IP Weighting - Next we compute the weights: ```r dat3$pA.0 <- predict(f0, type = "response") dat3$pA.1 <- predict(f1, type = "response") dat3$pA.2 <- predict(f2, type = "response") dat3$sA.0 <- predict(s0, type = "response") dat3$sA.1 <- predict(s1, type = "response") dat3$sA.2 <- predict(s2, type = "response") dat3 <- dat3 %>% mutate(W.0 = case_when(A.0 == 1 ~ sA.0/pA.0, TRUE ~ (1-sA.0)/(1-pA.0)), W.1 = case_when(A.1 == 1 ~ sA.1/pA.1, TRUE ~ (1-sA.1)/(1-pA.1)), W.2 = case_when(A.2 == 1 ~ sA.2/pA.2, TRUE ~ (1-sA.2)/(1-pA.2)), W = W.0*W.1*W.2, A = paste0(A.0, "-", A.1, "-", A.2)) ``` --- ## IP Weighting - Finally, we fit a marginal structural model and retrieve the fitted values for the treatment courses of interest. ```r library(sandwich) ## data for extracting fitted values newdat <- data.frame(A.0 = c(0, 0, 1), A.1 = c(0,1, 1), A.2 = c(0,1, 1)) get_est <- function(msm){ car::Predict(msm, newdata = newdat, = TRUE, vcov. = vcovHC(msm, type = "HC0")) } ## fit saturated marginal structural model f_msm1 <- lm(Y ~ A.0*A.1*A.2, weights = W, data = dat3) ipw_est1 <- get_est(f_msm1) ## fit parametric but correct marginal structural model f_msm2 <- lm(Y ~ A.0 + A.1 + A.2, weights = W, data = dat3) ipw_est2 <- get_est(f_msm2) ## fit parametric and incorrect marginal structural model f_msm3 <- lm(Y ~ I(A.0 + A.1 + A.2), weights = W, data = dat3) ipw_est3 <- get_est(f_msm3) ``` --- ## IP Weighting <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> A </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Truth </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst1 </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst2 </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst3 </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-0-0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.23 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.23 (-0.28, -0.19) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.18 (-0.22, -0.13) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.16 (-0.2, -0.11) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.08 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.02, 0.14) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.03, 0.12) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.09 (-0.12, -0.06) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 1-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.12 (-0.18, -0.05) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.06 (-0.11, -0.02) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.06 (-0.1, -0.01) </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ## Parametric G-Formula - I used the `gfoRmula` R package. First we specify arguments. ```r library(gfoRmula) id <- 'id' time_points <- 3 time_name <- 'time' covnames <- c('L', 'A') #time-varying covtypes <- c('normal', 'binary') outcome_name <- 'Y' outcome_type <- "continuous_eof" histories <- c(lagged) #can also do lagged average histvars <- list(c('L', 'A')) covparams <- list(covmodels = c(L ~ lag1_A + lag1_L, A ~ lag1_A + L)) ymodel <- Y ~ A + lag1_A + lag2_A + L + lag1_L + lag2_L + A*L + lag1_A*lag1_L + lag2_A*lag2_L + Z intvars <- list('A', 'A', 'A') ``` --- ## Parametric G-Formula - The gformula will perform boostrapping for us. This can take a bit of time. ```r interventions <- list(list(c(static, c(0, 0, 0))), list(c(static, c(0, 1, 1))), list(c(static, c(1, 1, 1)))) int_descript <- c('Never treat', 'Treat last 2', 'Always treat') nsimul <- 10000 # number of data points to simulate gform_result <- gformula(obs_data = dat3_long, id = id, time_points = time_points, time_name = time_name, covnames = covnames, outcome_name = outcome_name, outcome_type = outcome_type, covtypes = covtypes, covparams = covparams, ymodel = ymodel, intvars = intvars, interventions = interventions, int_descript = int_descript, histories = histories, histvars = histvars, basecovs = c('Z'), nsimul = nsimul, seed = 1234, #, nsamples= 500, #bootstrap samples ci_method = "normal") ``` --- ## Parametric G-Formula ```r gform_result ``` ``` ## PREDICTED RISK UNDER MULTIPLE INTERVENTIONS ## ## Intervention Description ## 0 Natural course ## 1 Never treat ## 2 Treat last 2 ## 3 Always treat ## ## Sample size = 5000, Monte Carlo sample size = 10000 ## Number of bootstrap samples = 500 ## Reference intervention = natural course (0) ## ## ## k Interv. NP mean g-form mean Mean SE Mean lower 95% CI ## 2 0 -0.1395253 -0.14256824 0.01265358 -0.16736880 ## 2 1 NA -0.23747779 0.01190050 -0.26080235 ## 2 2 NA 0.08631253 0.01425984 0.05836376 ## 2 3 NA -0.11377756 0.01673769 -0.14658282 ## Mean upper 95% CI Mean ratio MR SE MR lower 95% CI MR upper 95% CI ## -0.11776769 1.0000000 0.00000000 -0.1425682 -0.14256824 ## -0.21415324 1.6657131 0.11596470 -0.4647644 -0.01019116 ## 0.11426129 -0.6054120 0.15205057 -0.2117011 0.38432618 ## -0.08097229 0.7980568 0.06517407 -0.2415164 0.01396128 ## Mean difference MD SE MD lower 95% CI MD upper 95% CI % Intervened On ## 0.00000000 0.000000000 -0.14256824 -0.14256824 0.00 ## -0.09490955 0.009954584 -0.25698842 -0.21796717 87.44 ## 0.22888077 0.008794431 0.06907576 0.10354929 85.49 ## 0.02879069 0.008262831 -0.12997241 -0.09758271 78.54 ## Aver % Intervened On ## 0.00000 ## 50.95333 ## 46.52667 ## 40.52333 ``` --- ## G-Formula <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> A </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Truth </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst1 </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> GForm </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-0-0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.23 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.23 (-0.28, -0.19) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.24 (-0.26, -0.21) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.08 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.02, 0.14) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.09 (0.06, 0.11) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 1-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.12 (-0.18, -0.05) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.15, -0.08) </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ## G-Estimation - I used the `gesttools` package. This package has some limitations. - I believe it can only have one effect modification variable. It may not be able to handle effect modification by past treatments. - It does not calculate `\(E[Y(a)]\)` for you. Recall - this step requires simulating covariates. --- ## G-Estimation ```r library(gesttools) # time must start from 1 dat3_long$time <- dat3_long$time+ 1 dat3_gest <- FormatData( data = data.frame(dat3_long), idvar = "id", timevar = "time", An = "A", varying = c("A", "L"), GenerateHistory = TRUE, GenerateHistoryMax = 2 ) idvar <- "id" timevar <- "time" Yn <- "Y" An <- "A" Cn <- NA # generally a good idea to add time, our model doesn't require it propensitymodel <- c("A~L+Lag1A") ``` --- ## G-Estimation - Outcome models specifies the model for `\(E[Y(\bar{a}_{1:i}, 0) \vert \bar{l}_i]\)`. - `type = 4` allows a time-varying causal effect and effect modification. ```r outcomemodels <- list("Y~A + L + A*L", "Y~A + L + A*L", "Y~A + L + A*L") gest_result <- gestSingle(dat3_gest, idvar, timevar, Yn, An, Cn, outcomemodels, propensitymodel, censoringmodel = NULL, type = 4, EfmVar= c("L"), cutoff = NA ) gest_result$psi ``` ``` ## t=1.A t=1.A:L t=2.A t=2.A:L t=3.A t=3.A:L ## -0.02420145 -0.18602402 0.13135301 -0.19205099 0.32934700 -0.29831340 ``` --- ## G-Estimation - To calculate `\(E[Y(\bar{a})]\)`, we are on our own. ```r ## gamma functions g0 <- function(A.0, L.0){ gest_result$psi[1]*A.0 + gest_result$psi[2]*A.0*L.0 } g1 <- function(A.1, L.1){ gest_result$psi[3]*A.1 + gest_result$psi[4]*A.1*L.1 } g2 <- function(A.2, L.2){ gest_result$psi[5]*A.2 + gest_result$psi[6]*A.2*L.2 } ## Calculate H0 for everyone dat3$H2 <- with(dat3, Y - g2(A.2, L.2)) dat3$H1 <- with(dat3, H2 - g1(A.1, L.1)) dat3$H0 <- with(dat3, H1 - g0(A.0, L.0)) mean(dat3$H0) ``` ``` ## [1] -0.2475632 ``` --- ## G-Estimation - To estimate `\(E[Y(0, 1, 1)]\)` and `\([Y(1, 1, 1)]\)`, we need to estimate the distribution of `\(L_1\)` and `\(L_2\)`. ```r ## now we need distribution models for L1 and L2 fl1 <- lm(L.1 ~ A.0 + L.0, data = dat3) rl1 <- function(nsamp, A.0, L.0){ c <- fl1$coefficients rnorm(n = nsamp, mean = c[1] + c[2]*A.0 + c[3]*L.0, sd = sd(fl1$residuals)) } fl2 <- lm(L.2 ~ A.1 + L.1, data = dat3) rl2 <- function(nsamp, A.1, L.1){ c <- fl2$coefficients rnorm(n = nsamp, mean = c[1] + c[2]*A.1 + c[3]*L.1, sd = sd(fl2$residuals)) } ``` --- ## G-Estimation ```r gest_mean <- function(a0, a1, a2, nrep = 10){ sim_dat <- purrr::map_dfr(1:nrep, function(i){ simdat3 <- dat3 n <- nrow(simdat3) simdat3$A.0 <- a0 simdat3$L.1 <- with(simdat3, rl1(nsamp = n, A.0 = A.0, L.0 = L.0)) simdat3$A.1 <- a1 simdat3$L.2 <- with(simdat3, rl2(nsamp = n, A.1 = A.1, L.1 = L.1)) simdat3$A.2 <- a2 simdat3$Y <- with(simdat3, H0 + g0(A.0, L.0) + g1(A.1, L.1) + g2(A.2, L.2)) return(simdat3) }) return(mean(sim_dat$Y)) } ``` --- ## G-Estimation ```r gest_mean(0, 1,1, nrep = 10) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.1006678 ``` ```r gest_mean(1, 1,1, nrep = 10) ``` ``` ## [1] -0.108126 ``` --- ## G-Estimation - I bootstrapped the standard error (code hidden but you can find it here). <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> A </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Truth </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst1 </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> GForm </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> GEst </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-0-0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.23 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.23 (-0.28, -0.19) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.24 (-0.26, -0.21) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.25 (-0.27, -0.22) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.08 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.02, 0.14) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.09 (0.06, 0.11) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.1 (0.07, 0.13) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 1-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.12 (-0.18, -0.05) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.15, -0.08) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.14, -0.08) </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ## ICE Estimation - This one I implemented by hand, but it was fairly straight-forward. - There are two ways to do this. - The **stratified** method is the method described in the book. + At stage `\(k\)`, fit the model only amongst those with the desired tretment history up to time `\(k\)`. + This means we only need to get the Y-covariate relationship right. + This will be non-parametric with respect to the Y-A relationship. - The **non-stratified** method fully specifies the outcome model. + At each stage, we fit the model in the full data. + We have to get the outcome model correct. --- ## ICE Estimation ```r fit_ice_stratified <- function(a0, a1, a2, dat){ ## Recall Q4 = Y Q3mod <- glm(Y ~ Z + L.0 + L.1 + L.2, data = dat, subset = which(dat$A.2 == a2 & dat$A.1 == a1 & dat$A.0 == a0)) dat$Q3 <- predict(Q3mod, newdata = dat3, type = "response") Q2mod <- glm(Q3 ~ Z + L.0 + L.1, data = dat, subset = which( dat$A.1 == a1 & dat$A.0 == a0) ) dat$Q2 <- predict(Q2mod, newdata = dat, type = "response") Q1mod <- glm(Q2 ~ Z + L.0, data = dat, subset = which( dat$A.0 == a0) ) dat$Q1 <- predict(Q1mod, newdata = dat, type = "response") return(mean(dat$Q1)) } ``` --- ## ICE Estimation ```r fit_ice_nonstratified <- function(a0, a1, a2, dat){ dat.copy <- dat dat.copy$A.0 <- a0 dat.copy$A.1 <- a1 dat.copy$A.2 <- a2 Q3mod <- glm(Y ~ Z + A.0 + A.1 + A.2 + A.0*L.0 + A.1*L.1 + A.2*L.2, data = dat) dat$Q3 <- predict(Q3mod, newdata = dat.copy, type = "response") Q2mod <- glm(Q3 ~ Z + A.0 + A.1 + A.0*L.0 + A.1*L.1 , data = dat) dat$Q2 <- predict(Q2mod, newdata = dat.copy, type = "response") Q1mod <- glm(Q2 ~ Z + A.0 + A.0*L.0, data = dat) dat$Q1 <- predict(Q1mod, newdata = dat.copy, type = "response") return(mean(dat$Q1)) } ``` --- ## ICE Estimation ```r c(fit_ice_stratified(0, 0, 0, dat3), fit_ice_stratified(0, 1, 1, dat3), fit_ice_stratified(1, 1, 1, dat3)) ``` ``` ## [1] -0.23663412 0.07712922 -0.10809774 ``` ```r c(fit_ice_nonstratified(0, 0, 0, dat3), fit_ice_nonstratified(0, 1, 1, dat3), fit_ice_nonstratified(1, 1, 1, dat3)) ``` ``` ## [1] -0.23755063 0.07933465 -0.11213721 ``` --- ## All Results Combined <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> A </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Truth </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> IPWEst1 </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> GForm </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-0-0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.23 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.23 (-0.28, -0.19) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.24 (-0.26, -0.21) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0.08 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.02, 0.14) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.09 (0.06, 0.11) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 1-1-1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> -0.10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.12 (-0.18, -0.05) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.15, -0.08) </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> GEst </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> ICE_S </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> ICE_NS </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.25 (-0.27, -0.22) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.24 (-0.29, -0.18) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.24 (-0.26, -0.22) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.1 (0.07, 0.13) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.02, 0.13) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> 0.08 (0.05, 0.1) </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.14, -0.08) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.16, -0.06) </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> -0.11 (-0.14, -0.08) </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ## Repeated Outcome Measurements --- ## Repeated Outcome Measurements - Until now, we have considered: 1. Point interventions and single outcomes. 1. Point interventions and survival outcomes. 1. Time-varying interventions and single outcomes. - Now we will consider the case when the outcome of interest is a value that varies over time. The treatment may also vary over time. --- ## Cole et al (2007) - Cole et al are interested in the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), a treatment for HIV, on viral load. - They are using two longitudinal AIDS and HIV study's, the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (all men) and the Women's Interacency HIV Study (all women). - Participants of both studies complete questionnaires and have blood work taken every 6 months. - HAART therapy became available in April 1996, so the study population is 918 individuals who were alive, HIV positive, and not using antiretroviral therapy at this time. - Baseline visit: First visit after April 1996 or first visit after April 1996 with complete data (whichever is later). --- ## Challenges in Cole et al (2007) - The technology used to measure HIV viral load changed over time and differed between study cohorts. + Each technology has a different lower limit of detection, i.e. viral load is "left censored" at a different value for different measurements. - The exposure of interest is the cumulative time on HAART, a continuous value. + Because patients are only measured every 6 months, we don't know exactly how much time a patient has spent on HAART. + Authors will approximate cumulative exposure as time since HAART initiation. + Will deal with having a continuous outcome by creating categories supported by exploratory analysis. --- ## Censoring in Cole et al (2007) - The authors are interested in comparing HAART with no antiretroviral therapy but there are non-HAART forms of ART that some participants used. - Additionally, some people dropped out of the study or died. - Cole et al treat death, dropping out, and initiation of non-HAART therapy all as censoring. - This means that the target parameter is `\(E[Y_{i,j}(Cum_{i,j}= c, C_{ij} = 0)]\)`, i.e. the counterfactual expected viral load at time `\(j\)` if everyone had had a cumulative HAART exposure of `\(c\)` at time `\(j\)` and nobody had been censored. --- ## Exercise - Consider a generic version of the Cole et al study with three time points (0, 1, and 2) and no censoring. - There are three treatment variables `\(A_0\)`, `\(A_1\)`, `\(A_2\)`. - Confounders are measured at each time `\(L_0\)`, `\(L_1\)`, and `\(L_2\)`. These could be affected by past treatment. - An outcome is measured at each time `\(Y_0\)`, `\(Y_1\)`, `\(Y_2\)`. The outcome could be affected by past treatment and past confounders. - Confounders `\(L_k\)` could be affecte by treatment `\(A_{k-1}\)`. - Draw a DAG for this scenario. --- ## Exercise <center> <img src="img/9_timevarying3.png" width="80%" /> </center> - Here is a simplified solution leaving out arrows from `\(L_0\)` to `\(Y_1\)` and `\(Y_2\)` and from `\(L_1\)` to `\(Y_2\)`. --- ## Analyzing the Repeated Outcomes Data - If our goal is to estimate `\(E[Y_k(\bar{A}_k)]\)`, one thing we could do is treat each outcome separately. - For each `\(k\)`, consider a study that ends at time `\(k\)` in which we are only interested in the outcome `\(Y_k\)`. - All previous outcomes are treated simply as confounders. - We can use our previous machinery (e.g. IP weighting, parametric G-formula, or structural nested models) to estiamte `\(E[Y_k(\bar{A}_k)]\)` --- ## Combining Information Across Time-Points - In some cases, we can combine information across time-points. - This is possible when we can use the same marginal structural model for every time point. - We might potentially allow effect modification. - We can then fit a **common** marginal structural model across all time points using time-varying weights. --- ## Combining Information Across Time-Points - For example, suppose that only treatment at the two most recent time-points affects `\(Y_k\)`. - We could propose the MSM $$ `\begin{split} E[Y_{k}(\bar{A}_k)] = &\beta_{0,j} + \beta_1 A_k + \beta_2 A_{k-1} \\ = & \sum_{j = 1}^K \beta_{0,j}1_{t_j = j} + \beta_1 A_k + \beta_2 A_{k-1} \end{split}` $$ - In this MSM, we have a time-specific intercept but the causal differences are shared. This means we are assuming that the effect of changing from a treatment course with the last two time points untreated to a treatment course with the final time point treated is the same at every time point. - Because our MSM includes the last two treatments, we can only fit this model for `\(k \geq 1\)`. We could either fit a separate model for `\(Y_0\)` or ignore this outcome. --- ## Combining Information Across Time-Points - If we had a study that only included two time-points and one measured outcome at time 1, `\(Y_1\)`, we would estimate the parameters of the MSM using IP weighting for time-varying treatments (L10). `$$E[Y_{1}(\bar{a}_1)] = \beta_{0,1} + \beta_1 a_1 + \beta_2 a_0$$` - We would first propose and fit models for `\(f(A_k \vert \bar{A}_{k-1}, \bar{L}_{k-1})\)` and `\(f(A_k \vert \bar{A_k})\)` for `\(k = 0\)` and `\(k=1\)` . - Then we would calculate weights `$$W_{i,1} = \prod_{k = 0}^{k = 1} \frac{f(A_k = A_{k, i} \vert \bar{A}_{k-1} = \bar{A}_{k-1, i})}{f(A_k = A_{k,i} \vert \bar{A}_{k-1} = \bar{A}_{k-1, i}, \bar{L}_{k-1})}$$` - Finally we would fit the MSM by fitting a linear regression weighted by the IP weights. --- ## Combining Information Across Time-Points - If we would like to combine all time-points together to estimate `\(\beta_1\)` and `\(\beta_2\)`, we use the same procedure. - The idea is to think of our data as `\(K\)` shorter studies that all include the same people. - For each person-time combination, we compute the time-varying stabilized weight `$$W_{i,j} = \prod_{k = 0}^{k = j} \frac{f(A_k = A_{k, i} \vert \bar{A}_{k-1} = \bar{A}_{k-1, i})}{f(A_k = A_{k,i} \vert \bar{A}_{k-1} = \bar{A}_{k-1, i}, \bar{L}_{k-1})}$$` --- ## Combining Information Across Time-Points - We then fit the MSM using all person-time observations weighted by the time-varying weights. - We need to use robust standard errors for clustered data (e.g. fit the model with GEE). + Any working covariance matrix will give valid estimates. --- ## Back to Cole et al (2007) - Cole et al use exactly this strategy to analyze the viral load data. - They fit the MSM `$$E[Y_{ij}(\bar{a}) \vert V_{i,0}] = \beta_{0, j} \beta_1^{\top} V_{i,0} + \beta_2^\top g(Cum_{i,j})$$` - `\(V_{i,0}\)` are baseline CD4 count and viral load categories. - They include these variables in the MSM because they want to use them in the numerator of the stabilized weights. Since the MSM is conditional on `\(V_{i,0}\)`, the are assuming no effect modification by `\(V_{i,0}\)`. - `\(g(Cum_{i,j})\)` is a four level categorical variable categorizing the total time since beginning HAART treatment as `\(0\)`, `\(>0-1\)`, `\(>1-3\)` and `\(>3-9\)` years. - There are three counterfactual contrasts given by `\(\beta_2\)` comparing each category to no ART. --- ## Censoring in Cole et al (2007) - Because there is censoring, Cole et al also need to calculate censoring weights, `$$W_{ij}^{C} = \prod_{k = 1}^{j + 1}\frac{P(C_{ik} = 0 \vert \bar{C}_{ik} = 0, \bar{A}_{ik}, V_{i,0})}{P(C_{ik} = 0 \vert \bar{C}_{ik} = 0, \bar{A}_{ik}, \bar{L}_{ik})}$$` - The total weights are the product of the confounding weights and the censoring weights. - The analysis now also relies on the assumption of non-informative censoring. That is, people with high viral loads were not more (or less) likely to be censored than other people with the same covariate and treatment history. --- ## Limit of Detection in Viral Load Measurements - The final tricky piece of the Cole et al analysis is left censoring of viral load measurements. - They deal with this by assuming that `\(Y_{ij}\)` is (marginally) normally distributed with mean `\(\mu_{ij}\)` determined by the MSM. - This allows them to write a likelihood for the observed viral loads as a function of the person-time specific limit of detection and the parameters of the MSM. - They can then estimate the parameters by maximizing the weighted likelihood with weights being the time-varying weights we've described previously. --- ## Cole et al Results <center> <img src="img/9_cole_results.png" width="80%" /> </center> --- ## Standard Analysis - Cole et al also compute estimates using the the more common regression approach. - In this model all weights are set to 1 and baseline and time-varying covariates are added to the model. - As we saw in L10, this approach can result in selection bias. - The results of this analysis are strongly attenuated to the null. --- ## Sensitivity Analysis - This paper is a nice example of using sensitivity analyses to explore data. - They consider effect modification by sex and by baseline CD4 count. - They consider an MSM that also includes a linear effect for time on treatment. - They consider multiple other covariate models. - Discussion is a great example of clearly explaining assumptions required for valid inference. --- ## Time to Event Outcomes - Previously, we discussed analysis of time-to-event outcomes with a single point treatment. - With a time-varying treatment, we can treat these outcomes in the same way that we treat other repeated outcome measurements. - In the case of a survival outcome, we have repeated measurements of death by time `\(k\)`, `\(D_k\)`. - The only difference between survival and non-survival outcomes is the issue of right censoring. We can deal with this using the same hazards "trick" we used in L8. --- ## Time to Event Outcomes - We need a marginal structural model for the counterfactual hazard at time `\(k\)`. + Could be either use the Cox RR model or the logistic approximation - If we are using the Cox model, time-varying weights are used to adjusted each individuals contribution to the "at risk" set at time `\(k\)`. - The logistic model is fit using pooled data. - Good examples of this are in Hernán et al (2001) and Hernán et al (2008) (see Related Reading page).