class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # L8: G-Estimation ] .author[ ### Jean Morrison ] .institute[ ### University of Michigan ] .date[ ### Lecture on 2023-02-08 (updated: 2023-02-08) ] --- `\(\newcommand{\ci}{\perp\!\!\!\perp}\)` ## Lecture Plan 1. G-Estimation Lecture materials from HR Chapter 14 and from Vansteelandt and Joffe (2014). --- ## G-Estimation - This is the last causal estimation method we will see for non-time varying data. - It is also the "weirdest". Because of this weirdness (and lack of great software), G-estimation is fairly uncommon in applied literature. - However G-estimation has several advantages: + For a continuous treatment, we only have to specify `\(E[A \vert L]\)` instead of `\(f(A \vert L)\)`. + Potentially more efficient than IP weighting. + Less extrapolation bias than G-computation. - G-Estimation is also useful for time-varying data, which we will see later. --- ## Marginal Structural Models - Recall from previous lectures, in IP weighting, we estimate weights `\(f(A \vert L)\)` and propose a **marginal structural model** (MSM) such as `$$E[Y(a)] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 a$$` - We then estimate the parameters of the MSM by fitting a regression, weighting each observation by `\(\frac{1}{f(A_i \vert L_i)}\)`. - The model above is **marginal** because we marginalized over the distribution of `\(L\)`. - We needed to get the model for `\(f(A \vert L)\)` correct. --- ## Conditional Outcome Models - Alternatively, in G-Computation, or in regression with propensity score, we could propose model for `\(E[Y \vert A, L]\)`. - These are also structural models because we assume that they describe `\(E[Y(a) \vert L]\)`. - However, they are **conditional** structural models because we are conditioning on `\(L\)`. - For example, `$$\begin{split} E[Y \vert A = a, L = l] = & E[Y(a) \vert A = a, L] = E[Y(a) \vert L = l] \\ = & \beta_0 + \beta_1 a + \beta_2 L + \beta_3 a L \end{split}$$` --- ## Semiparametric Structural Mean Models - If our interest is in `\(E[Y(1)] - E[Y(0)]\)`, then `$$E[Y(a) \vert A= a, L] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 a + \beta_2 L + \beta_3 a L$$` has more parameters than we need. - We are only interested in `\(\beta_1 + \beta_3L\)`. - Instead, we could propose a model directly for our target: `$$E[Y(1) \vert A= a, L] - E[Y(0) \vert A=a, L] = \beta_1 a + \beta_3 aL$$` - This model is **semiparametric** because we aren't trying to estimate `\(\beta_0\)` and `\(\beta_2\)`. It is **not** marginal because we are conditioning on `\(L\)`. - We can calculate the ATE by standardizing over `\(L\)`, `$$E[Y(1)] - E[Y(0)] = \beta_1 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \beta_3 L_i$$` --- ## G-Estimation - Suppose we have a semiparametric structural mean model (SMM) $$ E[Y(a)-Y(0) \vert L] = \beta_1 a $$ - How do we estimate `\(\beta_1\)` if we can never observe both `\(Y(a)\)` and `\(Y(0)\)` for the same person? --- ## G-Estimation - To motivate the method, we first we make a strong assumption. Suppose $$ Y_i(a)- Y_i(0) = \psi_1 a $$ for all individuals. - This says the causal effect is **homogeneous** because it is the same for all individuals. - Validity of G-estimation doesn't actually require homogeneity but it is a convenient place to start. - `\(\beta_1\)` in the SMM is equal to `\(\psi_1\)` above. --- ## G-Estimation - Re-write as $$ Y_i(0) = Y_i(a) - \psi_1 a$$ - By consistency, if `\(A_i = a\)` then `\(Y_i = Y_i(a)\)` so $$ Y_i(0) = Y_i - \psi_1 A_i$$ - Let `$$H_i(\psi^\dagger) = Y_i - \psi^\dagger A_i$$` We want to find the value of `\(\psi^\dagger\)` that will make `\(H_i\)` equal to `\(Y_i(0)\)`. --- ## G-Estimation - Now we will use exchangeability. Exchangeability says that `\(Y(0) \ci A \vert L\)` so at `\(\psi_1\)`, `\(H(\psi_1) \ci A \vert L\)`. - For any given value of `\(\psi^\dagger\)`, we can compute `\(H(\psi^\dagger)_i = Y_i - \psi^\dagger A_i\)` for every person in the study. - Idea is to look for `\(\psi^*\)` such that `\(H(\psi^*)\)` is statistically independent of `\(A \vert L\)` in our sample. --- ## G-Estimation - If `\(L\)` is one dimensional, we can fit the regression $$ logit \left( P[A = 1 \vert H(\psi^\dagger), L] \right) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 H(\psi^\dagger) + \alpha_2 L $$ - At `\(\psi_1\)`, `\(\hat{\alpha}_1(\psi_1)\)` should equal 0. - So we can find `\(\psi_1\)` by doing a grid search, repeatedly fitting the regression and choosing the value that gives `\(\hat{\alpha}_1(\psi)\)` closest to 0. + There is also a closed-form estimate, coming up in a few slides. - We are looking for the value of the causal effect that would make exchangeability true. --- ## Variance of the Estimate - Suppose that `\(\hat{\psi}\)` is the solution to `\(\min_{\psi} \vert \hat{\alpha}(\psi) \vert\)` found via grid search. - For every value of `\(\psi\)` we try, we get a regression fit including a `\(p\)`-value for `\(\hat{\alpha}_1(\psi) = 0\)`. Call this `\(p\)`-value `\(p_1(\psi)\)`. - We can get a confidence interval for `\(\hat{\psi}\)` by inverting this `\(p\)`-value. - The 95% confidence interval for `\(\hat{\psi}\)` is the set of values `\(\lbrace \psi : p_1(\psi) > 0.05 \rbrace\)`. - We can also bootstrap using the closed form calculation. --- ## Censoring - When there is censoring, we want to estimate `\(E[Y(A = 1, C =0) - Y(A =0, C =0)]\)`. - To do this, we can estimate censoring weights `\(W^C = \frac{1}{P[C = 0 \vert A, L]}\)`, weight the population by these, and then apply G-estimation. - Practically, this works out to using `\(W^{C}\)` as weights when we fit the model for `\(P[A \vert H(\psi^{\dagger}), L]\)`. --- ## G-Estimation in NHEFS Step 1: Compute censoring weights ```r dat <- read_csv("../../data/nhefs.csv") dat$cens <- ifelse($wt82), 1, 0) cw_fit <- glm(cens==0 ~ qsmk + sex + race + age + I(age^2) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71^2), data = dat, family = binomial()) dat$wc <- 1/predict(cw_fit, type="response") ``` --- ## G-Estimation in NHEFS Step 2: Estimate `\(\psi^{\dagger}\)` by grid search. ```r grid = seq(2, 5, by = 0.1) Hpsi_coefs <- purrr::map_dfr(grid, function(psi){ dat$Hpsi <- dat$wt82_71 - psi * dat$qsmk # Using GEE for robust SEs gest_fit <- geeglm(qsmk ~ sex + race + age + I(age*age) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity*smokeintensity) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs*smokeyrs) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71*wt71) + Hpsi, family=binomial(), data=dat, weights=wc, id=seqn, corstr="independence", subset = which(! res <- data.frame("Est" = summary(gest_fit)$coefficients["Hpsi", "Estimate"], "SE" = summary(gest_fit)$coefficients["Hpsi", "Std.err"], "p" = summary(gest_fit)$coefficients["Hpsi", "Pr(>|W|)"]) }) Hpsi_coefs <- Hpsi_coefs %>% mutate(ci_lower = Est - 1.96*SE, ci_upper = Est + 1.96*SE, pns = p > 0.05) ``` --- ## G-Estimation in NHEFS <img src="8_g_estimation_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Assumptions - In order for the G-estimation estimate to be consistent, we need to get two things right: - The structural mean model, `$$E[Y(a) \vert A = a, L] - E[Y(0) \vert A = a, L]$$` - The model for `\(E[A \vert L]\)`. This is the model that we put `\(H(\psi^\dagger)\)` into. --- ## Estimating Equations Version - We are trying to satisfy the criterion that `\(E[H(\psi^*)]\)` is independent of `\(A\)` given `\(L\)`. - This means that we can estimate `\(\psi^*\)` as the solution to `$$\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0}W^C_i H_i(\psi^*)(A_i - E[A \vert L_i]) = 0$$` - Which is solved by `$$\psi^* = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{C=0}W^C_i Y_i (A_i - E[A \vert L_i])}{\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{C=0}W^C_i A_i (A_i - E[A \vert L_i])}$$` --- ## Estimating Equations Version `$$\psi^* = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{C=0}W^C_i Y_i (A_i - E[A \vert L_i])}{\sum_{i=1}^n 1_{C=0}W^C_i A_i (A_i - E[A \vert L_i])}$$` - In the numerator, there is a term `\((A_i - E[A \vert L_i])\)`. Units with `\(A_i = E[A \vert L_i]\)` don't contribute to the sum. - This means we are basing our inference on units in the overlap space, units that have a chance of either treatment. - When there are regions of covariate space with only cases or only controls, G-Computation suffers from extrapolation bias because it is basing too much of its estimation on only one group. - IP weighting on the other hand can have very high variance due to enormous weights. - G-estimation remains efficient and doesn't suffer from overlap bias. --- ## Estimating Equations in NHEFS ```r ps_model <- glm(qsmk ~ sex + race + age + I(age*age) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity*smokeintensity) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs*smokeyrs) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71*wt71), family=binomial(), data=dat) dat$ea <- predict(ps_model, type = "response") g_est_num <- with(dat, sum((1-cens)*wc*wt82_71*(qsmk-ea), na.rm=T)) g_est_denom <- with(dat, sum((1-cens)*wc*qsmk*(qsmk-ea))) round(g_est_num/g_est_denom, digits = 2) ``` ``` ## [1] 3.51 ``` - We could obtain the confidence interval by bootstrapping. --- ## Effect Modification - In G-estimation, we are estimating `\(E[Y(a)-Y(0) \vert L, A = a]\)`, the treatment effect *conditional* on `\(L\)`. - So if there is any effect modification by variables in `\(L\)`, we **have** to include that in the model. - In IP weighting, we compute weights and then propose a marginal structural model for `\(E[Y(a)]\)`. + We only include effect modification if we are interested in `\(E[Y(a) \vert L]\)`. - In G-Computation, we propose a model for `\(E[Y(a) \vert L]\)`. + We have to include any effect modification. + We also have to get the functional for of the intercept part, `\(E[Y(0) \vert L]\)` correct. - In G-Estimation, we need to specify the form of effect modification, but we don't need to specifiy `\(E[Y(0) \vert L]\)`. --- ## Effect Modification - Even though consistent estimation of the ATE requires correct specification of the conditional mean model, Vansteelandt and Joffe argue that, in the binary `\(A\)` case, mis-specifying the model as `\(E[Y(1) \vert L] - E[Y(0) \vert L ] = \beta_1\)` is interpretable. - Suppose the true model is `\(E[Y(1) \vert L] - E[Y(0) \vert L ] = \omega(L)\)` - Then the G-estimator using the incorrect model with no effect modification converges to `$$\frac{E\left \lbrace Var(A \vert L)\omega(L)\right \rbrace}{E\left \lbrace Var(A \vert L)\right \rbrace}$$` which is a weighted average of treatment effects, giving the most weight to strata with higher values of `\(Var(A \vert L)\)`, or strata with the most overalp between treated and control. --- ## Multi-Parameter Structural Mean Models - Suppose we propose the model $$E[Y(a)-Y(0) \vert V, L] = \beta_1 a + \beta_2 a V $$ - The corresponding "H" model is `$$H_i(\psi_1, \psi_2) = Y_i - \psi_1 A_i - \psi_2 A_i V_i$$` - We are looking for values `\(\psi_1^*\)` and `\(\psi_2^*\)` such that `\(H(\psi_1^*, \psi_2^*) \ci A \vert L, V\)` --- ## Multi-Parameter Structural Mean Models - We now have two parameters to estimate, so we need to perform a search over a two dimensional grid. - At `\(\psi_1 = \beta_1\)` and `\(\psi_2 = \beta_2\)`, the `\(\alpha_1\)` and `\(\alpha_2\)` terms will both be 0. $$ logit\left( P[A = 1 \vert H(\psi^\dagger), L] \right) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) + \alpha_2 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) V + \alpha_3 L $$ --- ## Multi-Parameter Structural Mean Models - We have some choices about how we put `\(H(\psi^\dagger)\)` into the exposure model. - For example, we could use $$ logit\left( P[A = 1 \vert H(\psi^\dagger), L] \right) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) + \alpha_2 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) V + \alpha_3 L $$ or $$ logit\left( P[A = 1 \vert H(\psi^\dagger), L] \right) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) + \alpha_2 H(\psi_1, \psi_2) V^2 + \alpha_3 L $$ - It turns out that the choice only affects efficiency and not consistency, and we can derive the (locally) most efficient choice. --- ## General Formulation - In general we start with a structural mean model $$g\left \lbrace E[Y(a) \vert A =a, L]\right \rbrace - g\left \lbrace E[Y(0) \vert A =a, L]\right \rbrace = \gamma(a, l ; \psi^*) $$ - From this, we define $$ `\begin{split} &H(\psi) = Y - \gamma(L, A; \psi) \qquad &g\ \text{identity}\\ &H(\psi) = Y\exp[-\gamma(L, A; \psi)]\qquad &g\ \text{log}\\ &H(\psi) = expit \left( logit(E[Y \vert L, A])- \gamma(L, A; \psi) \right) ) \qquad &g\ \text{logit} \end{split}` $$ - The fact that `\(E[Y \vert L, A]\)` shows up in the definition of `\(H(\psi)\)` if `\(g\)` is logit makes the odds ratio formulation more difficult to deal with. + There is no consistent G-estimator for the causal odds ratio. --- ## General Formulation - Next we either grid serach for a value of `\(\psi\)` such that `\(H(\psi)\)` is statistically independent of `\(A - E[A \vert L]\)` or we solve the estimating equations `$$\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0}W^C_i H_i(\psi^*)(d(A_i) - d(E[A \vert L_i])) = 0$$` where `\(d\)` is a function of `\(A\)` and `\(L\)` with dimension equal to the dimension of `\(\psi\)`. - For example, using the model `\(E[Y(a) \vert L ] - E[Y(0) \vert L ] = \beta_1 a + \beta_3 a L\)`, we could use the estimating equation `$$\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0}W^C_i \begin{pmatrix}1\\L_i \end{pmatrix}(A_i - E[A \vert L_i]) H_i(\psi^*)= 0$$` - The `\(d\)` function corresponds to the choice of how to put `\(H(\psi^\dagger)\)` into the exposure model. --- ## Efficient choice of `\(d\)` - Under homoskedasticity, here meaning that the variance of `\(H(\psi^*)\)` is constant given `\(A\)` and `\(L\)`, the best choice of `\(d\)` is $$ d(A, L) = E\left\lbrace \frac{\partial H(\psi^*)}{d\psi} \vert A, L\right\rbrace $$ - So under the two parameter model from a few slides ago where we had `$$H_i(\psi_1, \psi_2) = Y_i - \psi_1 A_i - \psi_2 A_i L_{1,i}$$` - The best choice of `\(d\)` is `\(d(A,L) = \begin{pmatrix}A \\ A L_1 \end{pmatrix}\)`. + We dropped the minus sign since we can just multiply both sides of the estimating equations by -1. --- ## Multi-Parameter Model in NHEFS - Suppose we believe there is effect modification by smoking intensity. Let `\(V\)` be smoking intensity and `\(L\)` the remaining confounders. We could use the SMM `$$E[Y(a) \vert L, V] - E[Y(0) \vert L, V] = \beta_1 a + \beta_3 a V$$` - We need to solve the estimating equations `$$\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0}W^C_i \begin{pmatrix}1\\V_i \end{pmatrix}(A_i - E[A \vert L_i, V_i]) H_i(\psi^*)= 0$$` --- ## Multi-Parameter Model in NHEFS - By plugging in `\(H_i(\psi) = Y_i -\psi_1 A_i - \psi_2 A_i V_i\)`, we obtain `$$\begin{pmatrix}\psi_1 \\ \psi_2 \end{pmatrix} = W^{-1} S$$` with `$$S = \begin{pmatrix}\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iY_i D_i\\ \sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iY_i V_i D_i\end{pmatrix}$$` `$$W = \begin{pmatrix}\sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iA_i D_i & \sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iA_i V_i D_i\\ \sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iA_i V_i D_i & \sum_{i = 1}^n 1_{C_i = 0} W^{C}_iA_i V_i^2 D_i\end{pmatrix}$$` where `\(D_i = A_i - E[A \vert L_i]\)`. --- ## Multi-Parameter Model in NHEFS ```r dat$wc[dat$cens != 0] <- 0 dat$rem_w <- with(dat, wc*(qsmk - ea)) S <- with(dat, c(sum(wt82_71*rem_w, na.rm=T), sum(smokeintensity*wt82_71*rem_w, na.rm=T))) V <- with(dat, c(sum(qsmk*rem_w), sum(smokeintensity*qsmk*rem_w), sum(smokeintensity*qsmk*rem_w), sum(smokeintensity^2*qsmk*rem_w))) V <- matrix(V, nrow = 2, byrow = T) psi <- solve(V) %*% S round(psi, digits = 2) ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] 2.92 ## [2,] 0.03 ``` --- ## Doubly Robust G-Estimation - To make the estimator more robust, we can replace `\(H(\psi)\)` with `\(H(\psi) - E[H(\psi) \vert L]\)`. - This works using either the estimating equation approach or the grid search approach. - This amounts to fitting an outcome model. E.g. if `\(H_i(\psi) = Y_i - \psi A_i\)`, we need a model for `\(E[Y \vert L]\)`. - The resulting estimator will be consistent if either the outcome model in the untreated or the propensity model are correct. --- ## Continuous Treatments - One nice feature of G-estimation for continuous treatments is that we only need a model for `\(E[A \vert L]\)`. - For IP weighting, we need a model for `\(f(A \vert L)\)` which is much harder to get right. --- ## Summary - In G-Estimation we propose a semiparametric structural mean model for the causal contrast of interest **conditional** on `\(L\)`. - We also propose a model for `\(E[A \vert L]\)`. - We then obtain a function `\(H(\psi)\)` such that `\(E[H(\psi^*)] = Y(0)\)` for some value of `\(\psi^*\)`. - Finally, we search for the value of `\(\psi\)` that makes `\(H(\psi)\)` statistically independent of `\(A \vert L\)`. --- ## Summary - G-Estimation avoids some of the problems of G-Computation and IP Weighting + Extrapolation bias (G-Computation) + Large variance (IP Weighting) - However, there is no good off the shelf software for G-Estimation (that I know of).