class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Discussion of Hernán et al (2008) ### Jean Morrison ### University of Michigan ### 2022-02-09 (updated: 2022-02-09) --- # Introduction - What is the main causal question? - Define the exposure - Define the outcome - Are there any secondary questions? - Who is the population being studied? --- # Study Design - What is the structure of the NHS study? - Who is included, who is excluded and why? --- # DAG - Draw a DAG of the problem as conceptualized by the authors. + Include exposure, outcome, confounders + Include selection into the trial - For now, ignore adherence. --- # ITT Analysis - How do the authors estimate the ITT effect in a single "trial"? - What are the multiple "trials"? - How is analysis combined across multiple "trials"? - What is the proposed alternative to the proportional hazards analysis? --- # Results of ITT Analysis - Look at Table 3 together + paragraph on Page 4 - Look at Figure 2 - How does Table 3 compare to Table 4? --- # Adherence - How is adherence vs non-adherence defined? - Expand the DAG to include outcomes `\(Y_1, \dots, Y_k\)` and adherence and censoring at each time point. - What are the counterfactuals in the adherence-adjusted and non-adherence adjusted analyses? - How do the authors conduct the adherence-adjusted analysis? --- # Results of Adherence Adjusted Analysis - Look at Table 5 and Figure 4 --- # Results of ITT Analysis - How do the results compare to the previous NHS analysis? - Look at Table 6 together - How does column (i) compare to column (ii) - How does column (iii) compare to cols (i) and (ii)? - Columns (iv), (v), (vi) --- # Discussion - Comments, questions, opintions? - Which method do you most prefer? - What would you do differently? `\(\newcommand{\ci}{\perp\!\!\!\perp}\)`