class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Miscelany for Feb 21 ### Jean Morrison ### University of Michigan ### 2022-21-02 (updated: 2022-02-21) --- # Bang and Robins Estimator Correction - You may have noticed that when HR describe the Bang and Robins (2005) estimator they say that we should add a new covariate to the regression which is equal to the PS weight for individuals with `\(A = 1\)` and minus the propensity score weight for individuals with `\(A = 0\)`, i.e. `$$R_i = \frac{A_i}{\hat{\pi}_i} - \frac{1-A}{1-\hat{\pi}_i}$$` - If you read the Bang and Robins (2005) paper, the special covariate is given as `$$R_i = \frac{A_i}{\hat{\pi}_i} + \frac{1-A}{1-\hat{\pi}_i}$$` - I have been telling you the second version. --- # Bang and Robins Estimator Correction - You may have found in the homework that the version we have been using does not work well in the homework. + This is because it is wrong. - As it turns out a correction was issued for the original paper. + The correction is weirdly extremely hard to find (at least it was for me), but is now linked on the course website. --- # Review Exercise - Write down the definition of sequential exchangeability for a static treatment strategy. --- # Review Exercise - Does static sequential exchangeability hold in the DAG below? `\(L_0\)` and `\(L_1\)` are observed but `\(U_1\)` is not. <center> <img src="img/9misc_q2.png" width="80%" /> </center> --- # Review Exercise - Write down the definition of sequential exchangeability for a dynamic strategy `\(g\)`. --- # Review Exercise - Draw a SWIG for the DAG below under a dynamic strategy in which `\(g_k\)` depends on `\(A_{k-1}\)` and `\(L_{k-1}\)`. <center> <img src="img/9misc_q4.png" width="80%" /> </center> --- # Review Exercise - Using your SWIG, does sequential exchangeability for `\(Y(g)\)` hold for the DAG below and a dynamic strategy in which `\(g_k\)` depends on `\(A_{k-1}\)` and `\(L_{k-1}\)`?