class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # L0: Course Orientation ### Jean Morrison ### University of Michigan ### 2022-01-05 (updated: 2022-01-05) --- # Welcome + Course Basics + We will meet twice a week in person: - Monday's 1-2:30 in M1152 SPH II - Wednesday's 1-2:30 in M3755 SPH I + Textbook: - ["What If?" By Miguel HernĂ¡n and James Robins]( - Other readings will be provided as pdfs + Office Hours: - Monday 2:40-3:30 in-person (M4034, conference room) - Wednesday 2:40-3:30 by Zoom --- # Course Structure Tour of [Canvas site]( --- # What is Causal Inference? -- + Causal inference is the art and science of using statistical tools to answer causal questions. -- + Interpreting statistical parameters as causal parameters requires: - A language and philosophy of causality. - A model of the system you are studying. --- # What We Will Learn in this Class -- + Languages of causality: - Counterfactuals and Potential Outcomes - Graphical models - Structural Equation Models -- + Identifiability conditions -- + Estimation strategies: - Weighting, standardization, G-estimation - Propensity scores and matching - Instrumental variable analysis - Methods for time-varying treatment - `\(\dots\)` --- # About Me - Jean Morrison (call me Jean, Dr. Morrison is also ok) (they/them). -- - Research Interests: + Statistical genetics + Instrumental variable analysis with genetic instruments + High dimensional biological data + Data integration (combining multiple sources of Hi-D data) + Applications of ML tools in causal inference. -- - I like animals and outdoor activities (hiking, biking, kayaking, etc). --- background-image: url(img/0_kittens.jpg) background-position: center background-size: contain --- # About This Class - This is the first teaching of this variation of BIOSTAT 881. - Please tell me what you like and what you don't like. - Plans may change as the semester progresses. - I will teach it again next year: If you are auditing because you don't have time this year, consider taking the class next year. --- # About This Class - The goal is to create an active, collaborative, learning environment. - Ground rules: + Be engaged, ask questions, and contribute to discussions. + Complete assignments on schedule. + Be respectful of me and your classmates. --- # Covid Contingency Plans - The class is in-person unless the University changes course (I do not control this). -- - There will always be a Zoom option: + Let me know ahead of time if you are planning to Zoom. + Use the Zoom option for circumstances when you really can't be here (you or your family are sick or exposed, an emergency has kept you home, travel disruptions, etc.). + You don't have to tell me why you are Zooming in. --- # Intro Survey Please fill out [the introductory survey]( by Friday.